English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

centroafricano: from Central Africa
Centroamérica: Central America
centroamericano: from Central America
centrocampista: midfield player; midfielder
centroeuropeo: from Central Europe
centuria: century
centurión: centurion
ceñido: tight; tight-fitting; close-fitting; thrifty; economical; reduced; condensed
ceñir: to gird; to girdle; to encircle; to fasten around the waist; to fit tight; to shorten; to
condense; to haul the wind
ceñirse: to put on; to reduce one's expenses
ceño: frown; threatening aspect; fruncir el ceño: to frown
cepa: stump; stock; grapevine; vine stem; butt or root; de buena cepa: of good quality
cepillar: to brush; to plane; to smooth
cepillo: brush; plane; alms box; cepillo de dientes: toothbrush
cepo: trap; clamp; stocks; pillory; bough; iron trap; branch; alms box; stock of anchor
ceporro: stupid; thick; dunce
cera: wax; beeswax; earwax; cere
cerámica: pottery; ceramics; pot
ceramista: potter; ceramist
cerbatana: blowpipe; blowgun; peashooter; popgun; ear trumpet; small culverin
cerca: fence; wall; near; close; nigh; cerca de: nearly; almost
cercado: enclosed space; fenced-in; walled-in; surrounded; enclosure; fence; wall
cercanía: proximity; nearness; cercanías: surroundings; vicinity; neighbourhood
cercano: nearby; close; near; nearing; neighbouring; adjoining
cercar: to fence in; to fence off; to fence; to hedge; to pale; to wall in; to encircle; to surround; to
hem in; to besiege
cercenar: to amputate; to diminish; to clip; to curtail; to lessen; to reduce
cerciorar: to assure; to make someone sure of a fact
cerciorarse: to check; to make sure
cerco: circle; ring; hoop; siege; blockade; frame; casing; rim of wheel; halo
cerda: bristle; horsehair; sow
cerdada: dirty trick
Cerdeña: Sardinia
cerdo: pig; how; swine; filthy; pork
cereal: cereal
cerebelo: cerebellum
cerebral: cerebral; brain; calculating; dispassionate
cerebro: cerebrum; brain; brains; head; leader
ceremonia: ceremony; formality; ceremoniousness
ceremonial: ceremonial
ceremonioso: ceremonious; formal
cereza: cherry
cerezo: cherry tree
cerilla: match; paper match; wax taper
cerillo: match; wax taper
cerner: to sift; to bolt; to scan; to observe; to have flowers in a state of pollination; to drizzle; to
cernerse: to loom; to soar; to hover; to impend; to hang; to gather; to threaten
cernícalo: kestrel; sparrow hawk; blockhead; rude ignoramus
cernir: cerner

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