chicuelina: pass leading the bull with the cape
chiflado: mad; crazy; in love
chiflar: to whistle; to hiss; to scoff; to blow; to gulp down; to become crazy; to like
chiflido: whistle; whistling
chiflo: whistle
chihuahua: chihuahua
chilaba: djellaba; jellaba
Chile: Chile
chile: chilli pepper; red pepper
chileno: Chilean
chillar: to scream; to bawl; to shriek; to screech; to squeak; to shout; to yell; to glare; to be
chillido: scream; bawl; squeal; squeak; screech
chillón: strident; shrill; lurid; garish; noisy person; shrieking
chimenea: chimney; smokestack; funnel; fireplace; hearth; shaft
chimpancé: chimpanzee
China: China
china: pebble; small stone; chinaroot; Chinese woman; Indian or half-breed maid
chinchar: to pester; to annoy; to bother; to kill
chinche: bedbug; drawing pin; thumb tack; bore; nuisance
chincheta: drawing pin; thumbtack
chinchilla: chinchilla
chinchín: cheers; street music; ballyhoo
chino: Chinese; curly; offspring of Indian and mestizo; manservant; small stone
chip: chip
chipén: brilliant; great; life; excitement
chipirón: baby squid; calamary
Chipre: Cyprus
chipriota: Cypriot
chiquero: pigsty; place where the bulls are shut up
chiquillada: childish thing to do; childish action
chiquillo: kid; child
chiquito: tiny; very small
chirigota: joke; jest; banter
chirimbolo: thingumajig; utensil; implement; vessel
chirimía: hornpipe; kind of flageolet
chirimoya: custard apple; cherimoya
chirimoyo: custard apple tree
chiringuito: drinks and snacks stall
chiripa: fluke; piece of luck
chirla: small clam
chirlo: slash; scar in the face
chirona: slammer; jug; jail; prison
chirriar: to creak; to screech; to squeal; to hiss; to sizzle; to chirp
chirrido: creak; creaking; screech; screeching; hiss; sizzle; chirr; chirping
chis, chist: hush
chisme: thing; implement; utensil; mischievous tale; piece of gossip
chismorrear: to gossip; to tattle
chismorreo: piece of gossip
chismoso: gossipy; gossip; tale bearer
chispa: spark; sparkle; droplet; wit; merry