English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

chispazo: spark; catalyst; flash
chispear: to throw out sparks; to spark; to sparkle; to scintillate; to flash; to spit; to drizzle; to
chisporrotear: to throw out sparks; to spark; to sputter
chistar: to speak
chiste: joke; funny story; cartoon; chiste verde: dirty joke
chistera: top hat; fish basket
chistoso: amusing; funny; joker; witty; funny; funny fellow
chita: ankle bone; knucklebone; a game like quoits; a la chita callando: stealthily
chitón: silence; hush; chiton
chivarse: to tell
chivatazo: tip-off
chivato: telltale; informer; grass; warning device; kid
chivo: male kid; chivo expiatorio: scapegoat
chocante: provoking; surprising; funny; hateful
chocar: to crash; to collide; to clash; to meet; to fight; to annoy; to vex; to surprise
chocarrero: gross; coarse; vulgar
chochear: to be in one's dotage; to dote
chochera: senility; dotage
chochez: senility; dotage
chocho: gaga; senile; dotard; doddering
choclo: maize; sweetcorn; corn; corncob; clog; patten
chocolate: chocolate; cocoa; hashish
chocolatería: chocolate factory; chocolate shop
chocolatero: fond of chocolate; chocolate maker
chocolatina: chocolate bar
chófer: chauffeur; driver
chollo: cushy job; bargain
cholo: mestizo
chompa: sweater; pullover
chopo: black poplar; musket; gun
choque: crash; clash; shock; collision; impact; encounter; skirmish; dispute; quarrel
choricear: to pinch; to steal
chorizo: highly spiced pork sausage; thief
chorlito: golden plover; scatterbrains
chorra: idiot; luck
chorrada: nonsense; trinket; extra dash of a liquid
chorrear: to gush; to spout; to drip; to be dripping wet; to flow with
chorreo: jet; drip; drain; spouting; gushing
chorro: stream; string; jet; spout; gush; flow
chotacabras: goatsucker
chotearse: to make fun of someone
chotis: traditional dance of Madrid
choto: sucking calf; kid
chovinismo: chauvinism
chovinista: chauvinist; chauvinistic
choza: hut; cabin; hovel; shanty
christmas: Christmas card
chubasco: shower; downpour; squall
chubasquero: raincoat
chuchería: knick-knack; trinquet; sweets, chocolates, savoury snacks, etc.; titbit; delicacy

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