English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

cicatrizarse: to heal; to form scar tissue
cicerone: guide; cicerone
cíclico: cyclical; cyclic
ciclismo: cycling; cyclism
ciclista: cycling; cyclist
ciclo: cycle; era; season; series
ciclocross: cyclo-cross
ciclomotor: moped
ciclón: cyclone
cíclope: Cyclops
ciclostilo: cyclostile; duplicating machine
cicuta: hemlock
cidra: citron
cidro: citron tree
ciego: blind; blocked; unquestioning; caecum; blind gut
cielo: sky; heaven; top; roof; covering; darling
ciempiés: centipede; scolopendra; preposterous
cien: hundred; a hundred; one hundred
ciénaga: swamp; marsh; bog
ciencia: science; knowledge; learning; certainty
cieno: silt; mud; slime; mire
científico: scientific; scientist
ciento: a hundred; one hundred
cierne: fecundation of flowers in some plants; en ciernes: future
cierre: closing; shutting; closure; fastening; snap; clasp; close-down
cierto: true; certain; sure; some
ciervo: deer; stag; hind; hart; ciervo volante: stag beetle
cierzo: cold north wind
cifra: figure; digit; number; amount; code; monogram
cifrado: coded
cifrar: to encode; to cipher; to summarize; to place; to base
cigala: Norway lobster
cigarra: cicada; harvest fly
cigarrera: cigarette maker or seller; cigar cabinet; pocket cigar case
cigarrillo: cigarette
cigarro: cigar; cigarette
cigoto: zygote
cigüeña: stork; crank; winch
cigüeñal: crankshaft
cilantro: coriander
cilindrada: cylinder capacity
cilíndrico: cylindrical
cilindro: cylinder; roller
cima: summit; top; head; height; cyme
címbalo: cymbal; small bell
cimentar: to lay the foundations of; to ground; to establish; to strengthen
cimero: highest; top; uppermost; crowning
cimiento: foundation; groundwork; basis
cimitarra: scimitar
cinc: zinc
cincel: chisel

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