English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

chucho: mongrel dog; dog
chuchurrido: withered; down
chueco: crooked
chufa: chufa; groundnut; tiger nut; slap; smack
chufla: joke
chulada: low action; very nice
chulapo, chulapón: bug-mouth; working-class Madrilenian
chulear: to brag; to live off; to banter; to rally wittily
chulearse: to make fun; to brag
chulería: bravado; insolence; pertness
chuleta: cocky; chop; cutlet; crib; slap in the face
chulo: cocky; super; pimp; man kept by a woman; knave
chumbera: prickly pear; Indian fig
chumbo: higo chumbo Indian fig
chunga: joke; banter
chungo: not well; tough
chupa: jacket
chupa-chups(r): lollipop
chupada: suck; drag; pull
chupado: half-eaten; thin; lean; emaciated; está chupado: it's a cinch
chupar: to suck; to suck up; to absorb; to draw
chupatintas: penpusher; office clerk
chupe: spicy soup; pacifier
chupete: dummy; pacifier
chupinazo: rocket; fierce shot
chupito: small glass of wine; drop
chupón: dummy; pacifier; sucking; blotting paper; sucker; sponge; parasite
churra: good luck
churrasco: steak; barbecued steak
churrera: machine for making churros
churrería: shop selling churros
churrero: lucky; maker or seller of churros
churrete: stain; dirty spot
churretón: stain; dirty spot
churro: deep-fried twist of sweet batter eaten hot; mess; botch; good luck; coarse-wooled sheep;
coarse wool
chusco: funny; droll
chusma: riffraff; rabble; mob; galley slaves
chut: shot
chutar: to shoot
chutarse: to shoot up
chute: fix
chuzo: short pike
cianuro: cyanide
ciática: sciatica
ciático: sciatic
ciberespacio: cyberspace
cicatero: stingy; niggardly; niggard
cicatriz: scar; cicatrice
cicatrización: healing; cicatrization
cicatrizar: to heal; to cicatrize

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