comentario: comment; remark; commentary; talk; gossip
comentarista: commentator
comenzar: to begin; to start; to commence
comer: to eat; to feed; to spend; to waste; to omit words; to take
comercial: commercial; business; mercantile
comercializar: to market
comerciante: money-minded; shopkeeper; storekeeper; merchant; trader; tradesman
comerciar: to trade; to do business; to deal
comercio: commerce; trade; shop; store; a card game
comestible: edible; eatable; comestible; foodstuff
cometa: comet; kite
cometer: to make; to commit; to perpetrate; to entrust
cometido: assignment; duty; commission; charge
comezón: itch; irritation; restlessness; anxiety; hankering; longing
cómic: comic
comicidad: humour
comicios: elections; polls
cómico: funny; comic; comedian; actor
comida: food; meal; fare; repast; diner
comidilla: gossip; talk; hobby
comienzo: beginning; opening; initiation; start
comillas: quotation marks
comilón: great eater; glutton
comilona: big meal; blowout; plentiful repast
comino: cumin; cummin; little chap; me importa un comino: I don't care a fig
comisaría: police station
comisario: superintendent; captain; commissioner; organizer
comisión: commission; committee; trust; charge; deputation; perpetration
comisura: corner; commissure; suture
comité: committee
comitiva: retinue; procession
como: as; like; such as; since
cómo: how; what
cómoda: chest of drawers; bureau
comodidad: comfort; convenience; ease; leisure
comodín: joker; wild card; something of general utility; habitual pretext or excuse
cómodo: comfortable; convenient; easy; lazy
comodón: lazy; lazybones; comfort-loving
comodoro: commodore
comoquiera: however; since
compactar: to compress
compact disc: compact disc
compacto: compact; solid; close; dense; compact disc
compadecer: to feel sorry for; to pity
compadecerse: to have pity on
compadre: friend; pal
compaginar: to arrange; to connect; to make compatible; to page
compañerismo: companionship
compañero: colleague; partner; companion; fellow; mate; associate; one of a pair
compañía: company; society
comparable: comparable