comparación: comparison
comparar: to compare; to confront; to collate
comparativo: comparative
comparecer: to appear
comparsa: extra; masquerade
compartimentar: to compartmentalize
compartimento: compartment; division
compartir: to share; to divide
compás: compasses; time; measure; beat; bar; compass
compasión: compassion; pity; mercy
compasivo: compassionate; merciful
compatibilidad: compatibility
compatible: compatible; consistent
compatriota: countryman; compatriot
compendiar: to summarize; to abridge; to epitomize; to encapsulate
compendio: summary; compendium; epitome; abstract
compenetración: mutual understanding
compenetrarse: to understand each other
compensación: compensation
compensar: to compensate; to make up for
competencia: competition; competence; fitness; ability; responsibility; province; jurisdiction
competente: competent; able; fit; adequate; qualified
competer: to behove; to belong; to be incumbent on
competición: competition
competidor: competing; rival; competitor
competir: to compete
competitividad: competitiveness
competitivo: competitive
compilación: compilation; compilement
compilador: compiler; compilator
compilar: to compile
compinche: accomplice; pal; buddy; chum
complacencia: satisfaction; indulgence; pleasure
complacer: to please; to oblige; to humour
complacerse: to be pleased; to take pleasure
complaciente: obliging; complaisant; compliant; indulgent
complejidad: complexity
complejo: complex; complicated; compound
complementar: to complement
complementario: complementary
complemento: complement; object; completion; perfection
completar: to complete; to finish; to perfect
completas: compline
completo: complete; whole; full
complexión: build; constitution
complicación: complication; complicating
complicar: to complicate; to involve; to implicate
complicarse: to become complicated
cómplice: accomplice; accessory
complicidad: complicity
complot: plot; conspiracy; complot; intrigue