comunión: communion
comunismo: communism
comunista: communist
comunitario: of the community
con: with
conato: attempt; beginnings; endeavour; effort; exertion
concatenación: concatenation
concatenar: to concatenate; to link together
concavidad: concavity
cóncavo: concave; concavity; hollow
concebir: to conceive; to formulate; to express; to begin to have; to have; to build up; to
conceder: to grant; to concede; to award; to bestow; to give; to admit
concejal: councillor; alderman
concejo: town council
concelebrar: to celebrate jointly
concentración: concentration; rally; meeting
concentrado: concentrated; assembled; concentrate
concentrar: to concentrate; to concenter
concentrarse: to concentrate; to be mentally absorbed
concéntrico: concentric; concentrical
concepción: conception
concepto: concept; idea; opinion; judgement
conceptuar: to think of; to consider; to deem; to judge
concerniente: concerning; relating
concernir: to concern
concertar: to coordinate; to agree on; to arrange; to harmonize; to tally; to assemble; to fit
together; to adjust; to conclude
concertina: concertina
concertista: concertist; soloist
concesión: concession; franchise; grant
concesionario: concessionary; franchise holder; dealer; grantee
concha: shell; tortoiseshell; prompt box; enclosed bay
conchabarse: to scheme; to plot; to gang up; to band together
conciencia: conscience; consciousness; awareness; conscientiousness
concienciar: to make aware; to make conscious
concienciarse: to become conscious
concienzudo: conscientious; thorough
concierto: concert; concerto; agreement; covenant
conciliábulo: secret meeting
conciliación: conciliation; reconciliation
conciliador: conciliatory; conciliating; conciliator
conciliar: conciliar; member of a council; to council; to reconcile
concilio: council
concisión: concision; conciseness
conciso: concise; brief
conciudadano: fellow citizen
cónclave: conclave
concluir: to finish; to conclude; to end; to silence
conclusión: conclusion
concluso: finished; closed; concluded; ready for sentence