componenda: deal; fix; shady or dubious compromise
componente: component; member
componer: to compose; to compound; to make up; to constitute; to prepare; to mix; to repair; to
mend; to put in order; to adorn; to trim; to spruce; to reconcile; to restore; to fortify
componerse: to dress up; to be composed
comportamiento: conduct; behaviour; comportment
comportar: to involve; to bear; to tolerate
comportarse: to behave
composición: composition; typesetting; agreement; compromise
compositor: composer
compostura: composure; modesty; circumspection; repair; reparation; mending; making neat
compota: compote; stewed fruit
compra: buying; purchasing; purchase; shopping
comprador: buyer; purchaser
comprar: to buy; to purchase; to bribe; to buy off
compraventa: dealing; buying and selling
comprender: to understand; to comprise; to comprehend; to include; to embrace
comprensible: understandable; comprehensible
comprensión: understanding; comprehension; inclusion
comprensivo: understanding; comprehensive; large-minded
compresa: sanitary towel; compress
compresor: compressor; compressing
comprimido: tablet; compressed
comprimir: to compress; to control; to restrain
comprimirse: to become compressed; to squeeze together
comprobable: verifiable; verificable; ascertainable
comprobación: verification; checking; substantiation; proof
comprobante: supporting document; receipt; proof; evidence; proving
comprobar: to check; to verify; to control; to ascertain; to prove; to confirm; to see;
comprometedor: compromising; committing; troublemaking
comprometer: to compromise; to involve; to jeopardize; to risk; to arbitrate; to bind; to engage
comprometerse: to compromise oneself; to commit oneself; to get engaged
comprometido: risky; difficult; awkward; engaged
compromiso: commitment; pledge; engagement; obligation; fix; predicament
compuerta: sluice; floodgate; hatch; half door
compuesto: compound; composed; composite; repaired; mended; dressed up; bedecked; ready;
preparation; mixture
compungido: contrite; remorseful; sorrowful
computación: computing; calculation
computador, computadora: computer
computar: to compute; to calculate
cómputo: computation; calculation
comulgar: to receive Holy Communion; to communicate
común: common; public; current; ordinary; usual; mean; low; inferior; community
comuna: commune; municipality; local council
comunal: communal; municipal; common
comunicación: communication; communiqué; official letter; link
comunicado: communiqué
comunicar: to communicate; to be engaged; to be busy
comunicativo: communicative; open; unreserved
comunidad: community; commonwealth