constancia: perseverance; proof; constancy; certainty
constante: constant; continuous; persevering; known for certain
constar: to appear; to be present; to consist; to be composed of; to scan
constatación: corroboration; checking;
constatar: to verify; to state; to record
constelación: constellation
consternación: consternation; dismay
consternado: dismayed
consternar: to consternate; to dismay
constipado: suffering from a cold; cold; chill
constipar: to constrict; to close the pores of
constiparse: to catch a cold
constitución: constitution
constitucional: constitutional; constitutionalist
constituir: to comprise; to make up; to constitute
constituirse: to be set up
constituyente: constituent; component
constreñir: to force; to compel; to constrain; to restrict
construcción: construction; building; erection; structure
constructivo: constructive
constructor: building; builder; constructor
construir: to build; to construct; to make; to construe
consuegra: mother-in-law of one's child
consuegro: father-in-law of one's child
consuelo: consolation; comfort; alleviation
cónsul: consul
consulado: consulate; consulship
consulta: query; question; consulting; surgery; doctor's office; consulting room
consultar: to consult; to look up
consultorio: surgery; doctor's office; consulting room; consultant's office; readers' advice
consumado: finished; consummated; accomplished; perfect; complete
consumar: to execute; to consummate; to carry out; to accomplish
consumición: consumption; drink
consumido: emaciated; thin; consumed
consumidor: consuming; consumer
consumir: to consume; to use up; to destroy; to waste away; to worry; to afflict; to vex
consumirse: to waste away; to reduce
consumismo: consumerism
consumo: consumption
contabilidad: accountancy; book-keeping; accounts
contabilizar: to count up; to enter an item into a book
contable: countable; accountant; book-keeper
contactar: to make contact
contacto: contact; touch; ignition
contado: rare; scarce; few; counted; numbered; al contado: in cash
contador: meter; counter; computer; accountant; auditor; counting
contagiar: to communicate by contagion; to infect with; to corrupt; to pervert
contagiarse: to get infected
contagio: infection; contagion
contagioso: contagious; infectious; catching