contaminación: contamination; pollution
contaminar: to contaminate; to pollute; to infect; to corrupt
contaminarse: to become contaminated; to become polluted
contante: in cash; ready
contar: to count; to number; to tell; to reckon; to rate; to narrate; to relate; to be
contemplación: contemplation; complaisance; leniency
contemplar: to look at; to view; to consider; to contemplate; to provide for; to spoil; to pamper
contemporáneo: contemporary; coeval; contemporaneous
contemporizar: to compromise; to temporize; to yield; to comply
contención: self-control; holding back; restraint; contention; contest; litigation
contencioso: under litigation; contentious
contender: to fight; to combat; to strive; to contend; to compete
contendiente: contending; contender; contestant
contenedor: container; skip; bottle bank; containing
contener: to contain; to hold; to hold; to restrain; to refrain; to curb; to check; to stop; to hold
contenerse: to control oneself
contenido: contained; moderate; prudent; temperate; contents; tenor; context
contento: happy; pleased; contented; glad; satisfaction; pleasure
contertulio: fellow guest; fellow participant
contestación: answer; reply; debate
contestador: answering machine
contestar: to answer; to reply; to contest; to question; to confirm
contestatario: rebellious; anti-establishment; rebel; non-conformist
contexto: context; intertexture
contextura: weave; build; contexture
contienda: conflict; fight; battle; dispute; confrontation
contigo: with you
contiguo: adjoining; contiguous
continencia: moderation; continence; containing
continental: continental
continente: continent; container; countenance
contingencia: contingency
contingente: contingent; quota
continuación: continuation; continuance; prolongation; literary sequel
continuar: to continue; to carry on
continuidad: continuity
continuo: continuous; constant; endless; direct current
contonearse: to swagger; to swing the hips and shoulders in walking
contorno: outline; contour; surrounding area; environs
contorsión: contortion
contorsionarse: to contort oneself; to writhe
contorsionista: contortionist
contra: against; athwart; counter; contrarily to; facing; organ pedal; snag; drawback
contraatacar: to counterattack
contraataque: counterattack
contrabajo: double bass; contrabass
contrabandear: to smuggle
contrabandista: smuggler; contrabandist
contrabando: smuggling; contraband; smuggled goods
contrabarrera: second row of seats in a bullring