coyuntura: situation; joint; articulation; occasion; opportunity
coz: kick from a beast; recoil; butt
crac: crack; crash; failure; bankruptcy
crack: crack
cráneo: cranium; skull
crápula: rake; crapulence; debauchery
craso: crass; gross; thick; fat; greasy
cráter: crater
creación: creation
creador: creative; creating
crear: to create; to make; to found; to institute; to establish; to invent; to design
creatividad: creativity
creativo: creative
crecer: to grow; to increase; to rise; to swell
crecerse: to grow in confidence; to take courage
creces: con creces amply
crecida: flood; freshet; swelling
crecido: large; big; numerous; grown-up; swollen
creciente: growing; increasing; crescent
crecimiento: growth; growing
credencial: credential; credenciales: documents
credibilidad: credibility
crédito: loan; credit; credence; good reputation
credo: creed; credo
credulidad: credulity
crédulo: gullible; credulous; credulous
creencia: belief; creed; tenet; credence; credit
creer: to believe; to think
creíble: believable; credible
creído: bigheaded
crema: cream; custard; shoe polish
cremación: cremation; incineration
cremallera: zip; zipper; ratch; ratchet; rack
crematorio: crematorium; crematory; incinerator
cremoso: creamy
crepa: pancake
crepé: crepe
crêpe, crepe: crêpe; pancake
crepitar: to crackle; to sizzle; to crepitate
crepuscular: twilight; crepuscular
crepúsculo: twilight; dusk
crescendo: crescendo
crespo: curly; crispy; crisp; angry; irritated
crespón: black ribbon; crape
cresta: crest; comb; top
Creta: Crete
cretense: Cretan
cretino: cretinous; cretin; cretinic
cretona: cretonne
creyente: believer; believing
cría: breeding; rearing; nursing; suckling; brood; litter; young