cosechadora: harvester; reaping machine
cosechar: to harvest; to crop; to reap; to gather
coselete: corselet; pikeman; thorax
coseno: cosine
coser: to sew; to stitch up; to staple; to join; to unite
cosido: sewing; sewed; sewn
cosmética: cosmetics
cosmético: cosmetic
cósmico: cosmic; cosmical
cosmología: cosmology
cosmonauta: cosmonaut
cosmopolita: cosmopolitan; cosmopolite
cosmos: cosmos
coso: bullring; main street
cosque: blow on the head
cosquillas: tickling; ticklishness
cosquilleo: tickling
costa: coast; shore; cost; price; expense
costado: side; flank
costal: sack; costal
costalada: injury; blow one gets when falling on the back
costalazo: costalada
costanera: esplanade; steep ground; slope
costar: to cost; to take; to be hard
coste: cost; price
costear: to pay for; to coast
costearse: to pay one's way
costero: coastal; coasting; slab taken from a log; side wall of blast furnace
costilla: rib; chop; wife; other half
costo: cost; price; expense; costusroot; dope
costoso: expensive; dear; hard; difficult to obtain
costra: crust; scab; scale
costumbre: habit; custom; way
costura: sewing; seam; joint; dressmaking
costurera: seamstress
costurero: sewing basket; sewing box
cota: height above sea level; level; cota de malla: coat of mail
cotarro: night lodging for beggars; party
cotejar: to compare; to collate
cotidiano: everyday; daily; quotidian
cotilla: gossip; busybody
cotillear: to gossip
cotillón: party; cotillion
cotización: rate of exchange; price; subscription; contribution
cotizar: to quote; to be quoted; to pay subscription
coto: nature reserve; reserved ground; preserve; boundary mark; limit; stop; restriction; set of
billiard games; chub
cotorra: parrot; chatterbox; magpie
cotorrear: to chatter; to gossip
covacha: cave; hovel; hut
coyote: coyote; prairie wolf