cumpleaños: birthday
cumplido: finished; completed; full; thorough; correct; large; ample; abundant; courteous;
polite; compliment
cumplidor: reliable; dependable; conscientious; trustworthy
cumplimentar: to pay a formal visit; to congratulate; to complete; to carry out
cumplimiento: fulfilment; accomplishment; carrying out; observance; lapse; expiration;
cumplir: to accomplish; to perform; to fulfil; to keep; to observe; to serve; to behove
cumplirse: to come true; to expire
cúmulo: pile; weight; burden; cumulus
cuna: cradle; crib; beginning; stock; family; lineage; foundling hospital
cundir: to spread; to go far; to go a long way; to increase in volume
cuneta: ditch
cuña: wedge; bedpan; contact; quoin; cuneiform
cuñada: sister-in-law
cuñado: brother-in-law
cuño: die; stamp
cuota: membership fee; monthly school fees; instalment; share; quota
cupé: coupé
cuplé: music hall song; variety song
cupletista: singer of a cuplé
cupo: quota; contingent
cupón: ticket; coupon; voucher
cúpula: dome; cupola; turret; leadership
cura: cure; healing; treatment; dressing of a wound; priest
curación: cure; treatment; curing; healing
curado: cured; mature
curandero: healer; quack doctor
curar: to cure; to treat; to mature; to tan; to season; to recover; to take care of; to mind; to dress
a wound
curarse: to recover; to heal; to take treatment
curare: curare; curari
curda: drunkenness; drunken fit
curia: curia; barristers; ecclesiastical court
curiosear: to act with curiosity; to inquire; to snoop
curiosidad: curiosity; neatness; cleanliness; tidiness
curioso: curious; nosy; strange; odd; interesting; net; tidy; onlooker; nosy parker; busybody
currante: worker
currar: to work; to hit
currículum: curriculum vitae
curro: work
curry: curry
cursar: to study; to send; to present; to process; to give; to frequent
cursi: pretentious; poorly affecting distinction and elegance
cursilada: pretentious action; kitsch object
cursillo: course; series of lectures
cursiva: italics
cursivo: italic
curso: course; academic year; route; flow; circulation
cursor: cursor; slide
curtido: tanned; curried; sunburst; weather-beaten; hardened; experienced; tanning