English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

curtidor: tanner; currier; leather dresser
curtir: to tan; to sunburn; to harden; to inure
curva: curve; bend; knee
curvar: to curve
curvarse: to curve
curvo: curved; bent
cuscurro: the end of a stick of bread; crust of bread
cuscús: couscous
cúspide: summit; peak; apex; vertex
custodia: custody; care; safe-keeping; escort or guard; monstrance; tabernacle
custodiar: to guard; to protect; to keep; to take care of
cutáneo: skin; cutaneous
cutícula: cuticle
cutis: complexion; skin
cutre: seedy; stingy; miserly; miser
cuyo: whose; of which

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