English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1


dabuten: great
dádíva: gift; present
dadivoso: generous; open-handed; bounteous; liberal
dado: given; dado; die; block
daga: dagger; line of bricks in a kiln
daguerrotipo: daguerreotype
dalia: dahlia
dálmata: Dalmatian
daltónico: colour-blind
daltonismo: colour blindness; Daltonism
dama: lady; dame; lady in waiting; mistress; concubine; king in draughts; queen in chess;
actress; dam
damasco: damask; apricot
damnificado: injured; affected; victim
dandi: dandy
danés: Danish
dantesco: horrific; shocking; Dantesque
danza: dance; dancing
danzar: to dance; to fidget
dañar: to harm; to hurt; to damage; to injure; to spoil; to taint
dañarse: to become damaged; to spoil; to get hurt
dañino: harmful; damaging; destructive; evil; wicked
daño: harm; damage; detriment; injure; hurt
dar: to give; to hand; to deliver; to grant; to confer; to produce; to bear; to yield; to deal; to
cause; to excite; to strike; to show; to attach; to have; to hold; to switch on; to be enough
dardo: dart; small spear; wounding remark; bleak
dársena: dock; basin; inner harbour
datar: to date; to put a date on; to credit on an account
dátil: date; finger
datilera: date palm
dativo: dative
dato: datum; fact; document; testimony
de: of; from; about; for; on; by; at; out of; with; if; should
deambular: to stroll; to wander; to walk
deambulatorio: ambulatory
debajo: below; underneath; debajo de: under
debate: debate; discussion; altercation
debatir: to debate; to discuss
debe: debit side
deber: duty; obligation; homework; to owe; to have to
debido: proper; due; just; right; owed
débil: weak; feeble; faint; slight; sickly
debilidad: weakness; feebleness; debility
debilitar: to weaken; to debilitate; to enfeeble
debilitarse: to weaken; to lose strength
debilucho: spineless; weedy; weakling
debut: debut
debutar: to make one's debut
década: decade

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