English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

decodificador: decoder
decodificar: to decode
decolorar: to decolourize; to fade
decomiso: seizure; confiscation
decoración: decoration; adorning; adornment; scenery; setting
decorado: decorated; set
decorador: interior designer; set designer; decorator
decorar: to decorate; to adorn; to embellish
decorativo: decorative; ornamental
decoro: propriety; decorum; respect; decency; dignity; circumspection; gravity; modesty;
honour; reverence
decrecer: to decrease; to diminish
decreciente: decreasing; diminishing
decrépito: decrepit
decretar: to decree; to ordain; to resolve; to determine
decreto: decree; order of a judge
dedal: thimble; leather fingerstail
dedicación: dedication; devotion; consecration
dedicado: dedicated
dedicar: to devote; to dedicate; to autograph
dedicarse: to devote oneself
dedicatoria: dedication; autograph
dedillo: little finger; al dedillo: inside out
dedo: finger; toe; finger's breath; very small distance
deducción: deduction; inference; conclusion; rebate; discount
deducir: to deduce; to deduct; to infer; to rebate; to discount; to allege
deducirse: to be deduced
defecación: defecation
defecar: to defecate
defecto: defect; fault; failing; blemish; imperfection; default; lack
defectuoso: faulty; defective
defender: to defend
defenderse: to defend oneself; to get by
defensa: defence; defense; protection; guard; back; bumper; fender
defensivo: defensive
defensor: defending; defender; supporter; advocate; counsel for the defence
deferencia: deference
deferente: deferential; deferring; deferent
deficiencia: defect; handicap; fault
deficiente: deficient; faulty; fail
déficit: deficit; shortage
definición: definition
definir: to define; to finish; to complete
definitivo: definitive
deflación: deflation
deforestación: deforestation
deforestar: to deforest
deformación: deformation; strain
deformar: to deform; to distort; to misshape; to pull out of shape
deformarse: to become deformed
deforme: deformed; misshapen; ugly

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