English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

deformidad: deformity; ugliness; gross error
defraudar: to disappoint; to frustrate; to defraud; to cheat; to rob
defunción: death; decease; demise
degenerado: degenerate
degenerar: to degenerate
degollar: to decollate; to behead; to cut the throat; to destroy; to ruin
degradación: degradation
degradar: to demote; to degrade
degradarse: to degrade oneself
degustación: tasting; sampling; degustation
degustar: to taste; to sample
dehesa: meadow; pasture ground
deidad: deity
dejadez: carelessness; negligence; laziness; slovenliness; neglect
dejado: untidy; lazy; untidy person; slovenly; lowspirited
dejar: to leave; to abandon; to relinquish; to let go; to quit; to depart from; to permit; to consent;
to allow; to let; to abandon; to forsake; to commit; to entrust; to give up; to deposit; to lend; to
loan; to bequeath
dejarse: to let oneself; to neglect oneself; to forget
deje: slight accent
dejo: slight accent; aftertaste; lassitude
del: contraction of de el
delantal: apron; pinafore
delante: before; in front; ahead; delante de: in front of; ahead of
delantera: front; front part; front row; lead; advance; advantage; forward line
delantero: front; fore; foremost; first; forward
delatar: to betray; to accuse; to denounce; do disclose; to give away
delatarse: to give oneself away; to betray oneself
delator: informer; accuser; denouncer; accusing; denouncing; betraying; disclosing
delco: distributor
delegación: delegation; office of a delegate; branch
delegado: delegated; representative; salesperson; commissioner; deputy
delegar: to delegate
deleitar: to delight; to please
deleitarse: to take delight; to delight
deleite: delight; pleasure; gratification
deletrear: to spell; to spell out
deleznable: contemptible; frail; perishable; weak; crumbly; slippery
delfín: dolphin; dauphin
delgado: thin; fine; lean; slender; slim; lank; tenuous; delicate; acute; subtle; dead rise; flank
deliberación: deliberation; discussion; debate
deliberado: deliberate
deliberar: to deliberate; to think it over; to determine; to resolve
delicadeza: delicacy; refinement; courtesy; fineness; softness; tenderness; scrupulousness;
delicado: fragile; delicate; sensitive; fussy; finicky; polite; courteous; delicious; tasty; poor;
subtle; ingenious; touchy; fastidious
delicia: delight
delicioso: delicious; delightful
delictivo: criminal; unlawful
delimitar: to define; to delimit; to demarcate

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