denominar: to name; to designate; to call; to give a name
denostar: to insult; to revile; to rail
denotar: to indicate; to denote
densidad: density; thickness; obscurity; confusion
denso: dense; thick; heavy; close; compact; thick; dark; confused
dentado: serrated; dentate; toothed; cogged; teeth; perforation
dentadura: teeth; set of teeth; denture
dental: dental; ploughshare bed
dentellada: bite; biting; mark made by the teeth
dentera: tooth edge; envy; desire
dentición: teething; teeth; dentition
dentífrico: tooth; dentifrice
dentista: dentist
dentón: toothy; dentex
dentro: inside; indoors; in; within
dentudo: big-toothed
denuesto: insult; abuse
denuncia: formal complaint; statement; denouncement; denunciation; registration
denunciar: to report; to denounce; to accuse; to betray
deparar: to bring; to afford; to furnish; to offer; to present
departamento: department; compartment; apartment; flat; district; section
departir: to talk; to chat; to converse
depauperar: to impoverish; to weaken; to exhaust
dependencia: dependence; dependency; section; branch office; section; affair; errand; staff;
personnel; employees
depender: to depend
dependienta: saleswoman; shop assistance
dependiente: dependent; salesman; shop assistance; subordinate; clerk; salesman
depilar: to remove hair from; to pluck; to depilate
depilatorio: hair-removing; depilatory
deplorable: deplorable; very bad; sad; lamentable
deplorar: to deplore; to regret; to lament
deponer: to lay aside; to lay down; to depose; to depone
deportación: deportation; exile; transportation
deportado: deported; deportee
deportar: to deport; to exile; to transport
deporte: sport; amusement; recreation
deportista: sportsman; sporty
deportividad: sportsmanship
deportivo: sports; sporting; sportive; sportsmanlike
deposición: removal from office; defecation; exposition; declaration
depositar: to deposit; to put; to place; to put; to check; to settle; to deposit
depositarse: to settle
depositario: depository; repository; treasurer
depósito: deposit; store; arsenal; tank; trust; precipitation; sediment; tank; well
depravación: depravation; depravity
depravado: depraved; bad
depravar: to deprave; to corrupt
depravarse: to become depraved
depre: depressed; low; downer
depreciación: deprecation; depreciation