English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

depreciar: to depreciate; to reduce the value of
depreciarse: depreciate; to lose value
depredación: looting; depredation; malversation
depredador: predatory; pillaging; predator
depredar: to prey on; to loot; to depredate; to plunder; to pillage
depresión: depression; recession; pression; hollow; dip; dejection; low spirits
depresivo: depressing; depressive
depresor: depressant; depressing; depressor
deprimente: depressing; depressive; humiliating
deprimido: depressed
deprimir: to depress; to impoverish
deprimirse: to become depressed
deprisa: quickly
depurador: purifying; depuration; purification; purge
depuradora: water-treatment plant; purifier
depurar: to purify; to refine; to purge; to depurate
derecha: right; right hand; right leg; right side
derechazo: right
derechista: right-wing; right-winger; member of the right
derecho: right; straight; standing; upright; just; reasonable; law
deriva: drift; drifting
derivación: derivation; descent; inference; branch; diversion; shunt
derivada: derivative
derivado: derived; derivative
derivar: to stem; to drift; to derive; to steer; to lead; to conduct; to shunt
dermatitis: dermatitis
dermatología: dermatology
dermis: dermis; derma
derogar: to repeal; to abolish; to revoke; to destroy; to reform
derramamiento: spillage; spilling; overflowing; outpouring; shedding; scattering
derramar: to spill; to pour out; to shed; to scatter; to spread
derramarse: to spill; to overflow; to run over; to disperse
derrame: spillage; leakage; bleeding; splay; declivity; slope; draft; effusion; discharge
derrapar: to skid
derrape: skid
derrengar: to hurt seriously the spine or the hip; to wear out; to tilt; to inclinate
derretido: melted
derretir: to melt; to thaw; to fuse; to consume; to expend; to waste
derretirse: to melt; to thaw; to be burn; to be consumed
derribar: to pull down; to knock down; to overthrow; to demolish
derribo: demolition; pulling down
derrocar: to overthrow; to bring down; to demolish
derrochador: wasteful; waster; spendthrift; spending; prodigal
derrochar: to squander; to waste; to brim with
derroche: waste; extravagance; profusion
derrota: defeat; rout; failure; path; road; course
derrotado: defeated; worn out; whacked
derrotar: to defeat; to beat; to rout; to waste; to dilapidate; to drift from the course
derrotero: course; direction; route; way; ship's course
derrotismo: defeatism
derrotista: defeatist

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