dialéctica: dialectic; dialectics
dialecto: dialect
diálisis: dialysis
dialogar: to dialogue; to dialogize
diálogo: dialogue; dialog; discussion; talks
diamante: diamond
diámetro: diameter
diana: reveille; target; dartboard; bull's-eye
diantre, diantres: hell; devil
diapasón: range; diapason; fingerboard; tuning fork
diapositiva: slide; transparency
diario: daily; daily newspaper; diary; journal
diarrea: diarrhoea; diarrhea
diáspora: Diaspora
diástole: diastole
diatriba: diatribe; attack
dibujante: drawer; cartoonist; sketcher; designer; illustrator; draughtsman; draftsman
dibujar: to draw; to make a drawing of; to sketch; to design; to depict; to describe vividly
dibujarse: to be outlined; to appear; to be revealed
dibujo: drawing; pattern; design; description
dicción: diction; speech; word
diccionario: dictionary
dice, dices, dicen: decir
dicha: happiness; fortune; good luck
dicharachero: funny
dicho: said; mentioned; saying; proverb; remark; statement
dichoso: happy; fortunate; lucky; blessed
diciembre: December
dicotomía: dichotomy
dictado: dictation; title; epithet
dictador: dictator
dictadura: dictatorship
dictáfono: dictaphone
dictamen: verdict; judgement; opinion; advice; expert's report
dictaminar: to give an opinion; to report
dictar: to dictate; to inspire; to suggest
dictatorial: dictatorial
didáctica: pedagogy; didactics
didáctico: educational; teaching; didactic; didactical
diecinueve: nineteen; nineteenth
diecinueveavo: nineteenth
dieciochavo: eighteenth
deciochesco: eighteenth century
dieciocho: eighteen; eighteenth
dieciochoavo: eighteenth
dieciséis: sixteen; sixteenth
dieciséisavo: sixteenth
diecisiete: seventeen; seventeenth
discisieteavo: seventeenth
diente: tooth; fang; cog; diente de ajo: clove; diente de león: dandelion
diéresis: diaeresis