diestra: right hand; right side
diestro: right; right-handed; skilful; skillful; dexterous; bullfighter; matador
dieta: diet; assembly; dietas: expenses
dietario: account book; record book
dietética: dietetics
dietético: dietetic; dietetical
diez: ten; tenth
diezmar: to decimate; to tithe
diezmilésimo: ten-thousandth
diezmo: tithe
difamación: defamation
difamar: to defame
diferencia: difference
diferencial: differential
diferenciar: to differentiate
diferenciarse: to differ; to be different; to make oneself noticeable
diferente: different; differently
diferir: to defer; to delay; to adjourn; to postpone; to put off; to differ
difícil: difficult; hard; improbable
dificultad: difficulty; objection
dificultar: to make difficult; to hinder
dificultoso: difficult; raiser of difficulties
difteria: diphtheria
difuminar: to stump; to soften
difuminarse: to disappear; to evanesce
difundir: to diffuse; to spread; to divulge; to broadcast
difundirse: to diffuse itself; to spread
difunto: deceased; defunct; late
difusión: diffusion; diffuseness; spreading; broadcasting
difuso: diffuse; broad; widespread
digerir: to digest
digestión: digestion
digestivo: digestive
digital: digital; digitalis; foxglove
dígito: number; cipher; digit
diglosia: diglossia
dignarse: to deign; to condescend
dignatario: dignitary; high official
dignidad: dignity; dignitary
dignificar: to dignify
digno: worthy; honourable; deserving; suitable; appropriate; dignified
diga, digo: present tenses of decir
digresión: digression
dije: trinket; locket; small piece of jewelry
dije, dijera, dijo: past tenses of decir
dilación: delay; procrastination
dilapidar: to waste; to squander; to dilapidate
dilatación: dilatation; dilation; expansion; delay; prolongation; diffuseness; prolixity
dilatado: vast; extensive; large; numerous
dilatar: to dilate; to expand; to widen; to spread; to delay; to retard
dilatarse: to dilate; to expand; to spread; to expatiate