English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

goleta: schooner
golf: golf
golfa: slut; hussy
golfear: to loaf around
golfillo: street kid; urchin
golfista: golfer
golfo: lout; layabout; loafer; vagabond; gulf; bay
gollete: neck; throat
golondrina: swallow
golondrino: young swallow; wanderer; vagabond; deserter; swelling in the armpit
golosina: sweet; titbit; delicacy; candy; greediness
goloso: sweet-toothed; attractive
golpazo: heavy blow
golpe: blow; smack; punch; knock; shot; bump; collision; impact; raid; heist; coup; hurt; bruise;
de golpe: suddenly
golpear: to hit; to bang; to punch; to strike; to beat; to knock; to pommel; to pound
golpearse: to hit; to bag
golpetear: to bang; to beat; to knock; to strike repeatedly; to rattle
golpista: person involved in a military coup
golpiza: beating; thrashing
goma: gum; rubber; eraser; rubber band; elastic band; glue; tyre; tire; Goma 2: plastic explosive
gomaespuma: foam rubber
gomero: rubber plant; gum; rubber
gomina: hair gel
góndola: gondola; kind of omnibus; aisle
gondolero: gondolier
gong: gong
gordal: big; large-sized
gordinflón: fatty; fat; chubby
gordo: fat; overweight; obese; stout; thick; big; serious; first prize; jackpot
gordura: fatness; fat; grease
gorgojo: weevil; tiny person
gorgorito: warble; trill; quaver
gorila: gorilla; bodyguard; bouncer
gorjear: to chirp; to twitter; to gurgle
gorjeo: chirp; gurgle; warble
gorra: cap; de gorra: for free
gorrear: scrounge
gorrinada: disgusting behaviour; pigsty
gorrino: pig; boar; sow; dirty; filthy; slovenly person
gorrión: sparrow
gorro: cap; bonnet; hat
gorrón:> sponger; parasite; scrounger; large round pebble; pivot; harlot
gorronear: to sponge; to scrounge
gota: drop; bead; breath; ounce; gout; gota a gota: intravenous dip
gotear: to drip; to dribble; te leak; to tickle through; to spit; to drizzle
goteo: dripping; dribbling
gotera: leak; leakage; dripping; valance; chronical ailment
gotero: drip; dropper
gótico: Gothic; noble
gourmet:> gourmet

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