English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

guiri: foreigner
guirigay: racket; din; gibberish; hubbub; confusion
guirlache: brittle sweet made of roasted almonds or hazelnuts and toffee
guirnalda: garland; wreath; globe amaranth
guisa: way; manner; fashion; wise
guisado: stew; ragout; fricassee; cooked; prepared
guisante: pea
guisar: to cook; to stew; to arrange
guisarse: to be cooking; to be going on
guiso: dish; stew; cooked fish
güisqui: whisky
guita: packthread; twine; money; tin
guitarra: guitar; guitarist
guitarrista: guitarist
gula: gluttony; greed; gormandize
gules: gules
gurí: kid; child
guripa: cop
gurmet: gourmet
gurú: guru
gusa: hunger
gusanillo: matar el gusanillo: to eat something between meals
gusano: worm; grub; maggot; caterpillar; miserable; wretch; gusano de seda: silkworm
gustar: to like; to enjoy; to try; to taste; to experience; to be pleasing
gustazo: great pleasure
gustillo: aftertaste; lingering taste; malicious pleasure
gusto: taste; flavour; pleasure; liking; a gusto: comfortably; willingly
gustoso: tasty; savoury; palatable; agreeable; pleasant; glad; willingly
gutapercha: gutta-percha
gutural: guttural
Guyana: Guyana
guyanés: Guyanan; Guyanese

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