English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

haitiano: Haitian
hala: come on; no, wow
halagador: flattering; pleasing; gratifying; alluring; promising; bright; rosy
halagar: to flatter; to adulate; to please; to gratify
halago: flattery; pleasure; gratification; caresses; blandishments
halagüeño: promising; encouraging
halcón: falcon; hawk
hálito: breath; vapour; effluvium; gentle breath
halitosis: bad breath
hall: foyer
hallar: to find; to find out; to come across; to discover; to detect; to catch; to ascertain; to think;
to see; to observe; to be; to feel in some state
hallarse: to be; to find oneself; to be situated
hallazgo: discovery; find; reward
halo:> halo; aura
halógeno: halogenous; halogen
halterofilia: weightlifting
hamaca: hammock; deckchair; sunlounger
hambre: hunger; starvation; famine
hambriento: starving; hungry
hambruna: famine; hunger
hamburguesa: hamburger; burger
hamburguesería: burger bar
hampa: underworld
hampón: thuggish; thug; rowdy; bully; gangster; vagrant
hámster: hamster
hándicap: handicap
hangar: hangar
haragán: lazy; idle; slothful; idler; loafer; loiterer
haraganear: to laze about; to idle; to loaf
harapiento: ragged; tattered
harapo: rag; tatter
hardware: hardware
haré, harás: hacer
harén: harem
harina: flour
harinoso: floury; mealy; farinaceous
harmonía: harmony
hartar: to stuff; to full; to sate; to satiate; to fill; to gorge; to tire; to sicken
hartarse: to gorge oneself; to stuff oneself; to get fed up with
hartazgo: surfeit; satiety; fill; glut; bellyful
harto: full; satiated; glutted; tired; sick of; fed up with; enough; very
hartón: surfeit; satiety; bellyful
hartura: fill, satiety; repletion; abundance
has: haber
hasta: as far as; up to; until; till; even; hasta que: until; till
hastiar: to bore; to sicken; to disgust; to cloy; to sate; to surfeit; to weary
hastiarse: to tire of
hastío: boredom; disgust; surfeit; weariness; ennui
hatajo: bunch; lot; set; small herd
hatillo: bundle of clothes

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