ha: haber
haba: broad bean; nodule; welt; papule
Habana: Havana
habanera: dance and music from Cuba
habanero: inhabitant of Havana
habano: Havana cigar
haber: credit; salary; pay; property; fortune; to have; to own; to possess; to catch; to get;
haberes: remuneration
habichuela: bean; kidney bean
hábil: skilful; clever; suitable; fit; able; día hábil: working day
habilidad: skill; cleverness; ability; talent
habilidoso: capable; skilful
habilitar: to fit out; to equip; to authorize; to finance
habitación: room; bedroom; chamber; apartment; habitat; habitation; inhabiting; dwelling;
habitáculo: dwelling; inside; interior
habitante: inhabitant; resident; residing; dweller; citizen
habitar: to live; to live in; to inhabit
hábitat: habitat; environment
hábito: habit; custom; dress of a religious order
habitual: habitual; regular; usual
habituar: to accustom; to habituate; to inure
habituarse: to get; to used; to get accustomed
habla: language; dialect; speech; tongue; speaking; talk
hablado: spoken
hablador: talkative; chattering; babbling; chatterer; gossip; babbler
habladurías: rumours; gossip; idle rumour; impertinent talk
hablante: speaking; speaker
hablar: to talk; to speak; to converse; to chat; to utter
hablarse: to speak to each other
habrá, habrás, habré: haber
hacendado: landowner; landed
hacendoso: assiduous; industrious
hacer: to make; to do; to bring; to deliver; to prepare; to pack; to work; to project; to shed; to
raise; to habituate; to inure; to provide; to supply; to build; to produce; to paint; to take; to play;
to act; to suit; to be relevant; to try; to grow; to develop
hacerse: to form; to grow; to cook; to become
hacha: ax; axe; hatchet; torch
hachazo: axe blow; stroke with an axe
hache: name of the letter H
hachís: hashish
hacia: towards; around; about; near
hacienda: country state; ranch; farm; plantation; wealth; country propriety; Hacienda: the
hacinamiento: overcrowding; heaping; piling; packing; heap; pile; accumulation
hacinar: to pile up; to heap; to stack; to accumulate
hada: fairy
haga, hago: hacer
Haití: Haiti