English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

hispanidad: Spanishness
hispanismo: Hispanic studies; Spanish term
hispanizar: to hispanize
hispano: Hispanic; Spanish
hispanoamericano: Spanish American
hispanoárabe: Hispano-Arabic
hispanófilo: Hispanophile
hispanohablante: Spanish-speaking; Spanish speaker
hispanoparlante: Spanish-speaking; Spanish speaker
histamina: histamine
histerectomía: hysterectomy
histeria: hysteria
histérico: hysteric; hysterical
histología: histology
historia: history; story; tale; fable; gossip
historiador: historian
historial: curriculum; résumé; dossier; record; medical record
histórico: historic; historical
historieta: cartoon; short story or tale
histrión: actor; clown; histrion
histriónico: histrionic
histrionismo: histrionism; histrionics; dramatics
hitleriano: Nazi
hito: boundary stone; milestone; landmark; fixed; firm; target; aim
hizo: hacer
hobby: hobby
hocico: muzzle; snout; nose; pouting
hockey: hockey
hogar: home; hearth; fireplace; furnace
hogareño: home; home-loving
hogaza: circular loaf of bread
hoguera: bonfire; fire; blaze
hoja: leaf; sheet; page; blade; ; foil; pane; sword; layer; flake; flitch; side
hojalata: tin; tinplate
hojaldre: puff pastry
hojarasca: dead leaves; excessive foliage; superfluous thing
hojear: to leaf through; to browse; to shed leaves
hola: hello; hoy; ahoy
Holanda: Holland
holandés: Dutch
holgado: loose; spacious; comfortably off; large; amply; roomy; idle
holgar: to rest; to be idle; to be superfluous; to be needless
holgazán: lazy; idler; loafer; slothful
holgazanear: to laze around; to idle; to lounge
holgura: looseness; room; ease; comfort
hollar: to set foot on; to tread; to humiliate; to scorn hollín: soot
holocausto: holocaust; sacrifice; burnt offering
holografía: holography
holograma: hologram
hombrada: manly action
hombre: man; ; husband; ombre

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