English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

hombrera: pauldron; epaulet; shoulder strap; shoulder pad
hombría: manliness
hombro: shoulder
homenaje: homage; tribute; attention
homenajear: to pay tribute to; to pay homage to; to show respect or admiration through a public
homeópata: homeopath
homeopatía: homeopathy
homeopático: homeopathic
homicida: murder; murderer; homicide
homicidio: homicide; manslaughter
homilía: homily
homófono: homophone; homophonous
homogeneidad: homogeneity
homogeneizar: to homogenize; to make consistent
homogéneo: homogeneous
homógrafo: homograph
homologación: parity; recognition; validation; homologation
homologado: recognized
homologar: to standardize; to recognize; to validate; to homologate
homólogo: equivalent; counterpart; opposite number; homologous
homónimo: homonym; homonymous; namesake
homosexual: homosexual
homosexualidad: homosexuality
honda: sling; catapult; slingshot
hondo: deep; profound; low; depth; bottom
hondonada: hollow; dell; ravine; bottom land
hondura: depth; profundity
Honduras: Honduras
hondureño: Honduran
honestidad: honesty; modesty; decency; purity; chastity
honesto: honest; uptight; modest; decent; pure; chaste; reasonable; just
hongo: fungus; mushroom; bowler; derby hat; hongos: athlete's foot
honor: honour; honor; honesty; dignity; rank; office
honorable: honourable; honorable
honorario: honorary; honorarios: fees
honorífico: honorary; honorific
honra: good name; honour; dignity; respect
honradez: honesty; probity; integrity; uprightness
honrado: honest; upright; fair; honoured; honored
honrar: to honour; to honor;
honrarse: to be proud of
honrilla: pride; keen sense of honour
honroso: honourable; creditable; decent; decorous
hora: hour; time; time of day; season
horadar: to perforate; to bore; to drill; to pierce
horario: horary; time; timetable; schedule
horca: gallows; gibbet; hayfork; pitchfork; string of onions or garlic
horcajadas: a horcajadas: astride; astraddle
horchata: orgeat; cold white drink made from tiger nuts
horchatería: orgeat shop

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