horda: horde; gang
horizontal: horizontal
horizonte: horizon
horma: mould; mold; form; shoe tree; encontrar la horma de su zapato: to find one's match
hormiga: ant
hormigón: concrete; hormigón armado: reinforced concrete
hormigonera: concrete mixer
hormigueo: crawling or creeping sensation; swarming; nervousness
hormiguero: anthill; place swarming with people
hormiguita: saber; very thrifty person; small ant
hormona: hormone
hormonal: hormonal
hornacina: niche
hornada: batch; crop; melt
hornear: to bake
hornilla: kitchen grate; pigeonhole
hornillo: small furnace; portable cooker
horno: oven; furnace; kiln; no está el horno para bollos: this is not the right moment
horóscopo: horoscope
horquilla: hairpin; fork; cradle; pitchfork; jaw
horrendo: horrific; terrible; dreadful; frightful
hórreo: granary; mow
horrible: horrific; horrible; dreadful; fearful; hideous; heinous; tremendous
horripilante: hair-raising; horrifying
horripilar: to horripilate; to horrify
horror: horror; horrid thing
horroroso: horrifying; hideous; frightful; ugly; appalling; very great
hortaliza: vegetable
hortelano: vegetable grower; gardener
hortensia: hydrangea
hortera: common; tacky; having a very bad taste; tasteless
hortícola: horticultural
horticultor: horticulturist
horticultura: horticulture
hortofrutícola: fruit and vegetable
hosana: hosanna
hosco: sullen; surly; gloomy; dark
hospedaje: accommodation; lodging; board
hospedar: to lodge; to lodge and board; to put up
hospedarse: to lodge in; to stop; to put up
hospedería: inn; hostelry; hospice
hospicio: orphanage; hospice; poor-house
hospital: hospital
hospitalario: hospitable; welcoming; hospital; charitable
hospitalidad: hospitality
hospitalizar: to hospitalize
hosquedad: sullenness; surliness
hostal: hostelry; inn; tavern; hotel
hostelería: hotel management
hostería: inn; hostelry; tavern
hostia: Host; wafer; punch; bump; bash