English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

instaurar: to establish; to set up; to found; to restore; to renew
instigador: instigator; instigating
instigar: to instigate; to incite; to urge
instintivo: instinctive
instinto: instinct; impulse; urge
institución: institution; introduction; establishment; foundation
institucionalizar: to institutionalize
instituir: to establish; to found; to introduce; to set up; to found; to appoint
instituto: institute; state secondary school; high school
institutriz: governess
instrucción: education; teaching; knowledge; learning; instruction; preliminary investigation;
proceedings; drill; command; instrucciones: instructions
instructivo: instructive; educational
instructor: training; instructor; teacher; coach
instruido: educated; learned; informed
instruir: to instruct; to teach; to educate; to drill; to inform; to advise
instruirse: to learn; to educate oneself
instrumental: instruments; instrumental
instrumentar: to orchestrate; to instrument; to instrumentate
instrumentista: instrumentalist; surgeon's assistant; instrument maker
instrumento: instrument; tool; implement; appliance; contrivance; apparatus; medium; means
insubordinación: insubordination
insubordinado: insubordinate
insubordinar: to incite to rebellion
insubordinarse: to rebel; to become insubordinate
insubstancial: insustancial
insuficiencia: lack; shortness; failure; insufficiency; inadequacy
insuficiente: insufficient; fail; inadequate
insufrible: intolerable; insufferable; unbearable
ínsula: isle; island
insular: insular; island; islander
insulina: insulin
insulso: bland; insipid; dull; tedious; vapid; flat
insultante: insulting
insultar: to insult; to call names
insulto: insult; affront
insumergible: unsinkable; insubmergible
insumiso: rebellious; disobedient; rebel; person who refuses to do military or community service
insuperable: unsurpassable; insurmountable; insuperable; unbeatable; invincible
insurgente: insurgent
insurrección: insurrection; revolt; rebellion
insurrecto: rebel; insurrectionist; insurgent; rebellious
insustancial, insubstancial: insubstantial; insipid; inane; vapid; pointless; trivial
insustituible: irreplaceable
intachable: irreproachable; blameless; faultless
intacto: untouched; intact; unimpaired; whole; pure; undamaged
intangible: intangible; not to be touched
integración: integration
integral: total; complete; total; wholemeal; brown; integral
integrante: integral; constituent; member; integrant
integrar: to integrate; to make up; to compose; to form

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