English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

integrarse: to integrate
integridad: integrity; wholeness; honesty; uprightness
integrismo: fundamentalism
integrista: fundamentalist
íntegro: whole; entire; complete; unabridged; honourable; upright; honest
intelecto: intellect
intelectual: intellectual
inteligencia: intelligence; mind; understanding; sagacity; ability; comprehension; interpretation;
sense; meaning
inteligente: intelligent
inteligible: intelligible
intemperie: inclemency; a la intemperie: in the open air
intempestivo: harsh; ungodly; unearthly; inopportune; inconvenient; untimely; ill-timed;
intención: intention; purpose; mind; meaning; pointed way of saying something
intencionado: deliberate; intentional; inclined; purposed
intendencia: intendance; supply corps; quartermaster corps
intendente: intendant; administrator; mayor
intensidad: intensity; force; vehemence
intensificar: to intensify; to increase; to step up
intensificarse: to be intensified; to increase; to worsen; to get worse
intensivo: intensive
intenso: intense; acute; sharp; intensive; vehement
intentar: to try; to attempt; to endeavour; to intend; to mean; to purpose
intento: attempt; try; trial; effort; intent; purpose
intentona: rash attempt
interactivo: interactive
intercalar: to insert; to intercalate; to interpolate; leap
intercambiable: interchangeable
intercambiar: to exchange; to interchange
intercambiarse: to exchange
intercambio: exchange; interchange; reciprocation
interceder: to intercede
interceptar: to intercept; to block
interconectar: to network
intercontinental: intercontinental
interdisciplinar: interdisciplinary
interés: interest; attention; liking; concern; self-interest
interesado: interested; concerned; self-interested; mercenary; selfish
interesante: interesting
interesar: to interest; to concern; to affect; to be interesting
interesarse: to be interested
interface: interface
interfase: interface
interferencia: interference; crossed line
interferir: to interfere
interfiero: interferir
interfono: intercom
interin: interim; meanwhile
interino: provisional; temporary
interior: interior; internal; inner; inside; inward; home; domestic; inland

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