interioridades: private affairs; private matters
interiorismo: interior design
interiorista: interior designer
interjección: interjection
interlocutor: interlocutor
interludio: interlude
intermediario: intermediary; mediator; middleman
intermedio: intermediate; intervening; interval; interim; interlude
interminable: interminable; endless
intermitente: intermittent; off and on; indicator
internacional: international
internado: boarding school
internar: to put; to send; to admit; to hospitalize; to intern
internarse: to go into the interior of
interno: internal; interior; inside; boarding student; boarder; inmate; prisoner; houseman
interpelar: to question; to address oneself to another asking for explications
interpolar: to insert; to interpolate
interponer: to interpose; to place between; to set as a mediator; to present; to lodge
interponerse: to place oneself between; to intervene; to mediate; to interpose
interpretación: interpretation; performance
interpretar: to interpret; to perform; to play
intérprete: performer; interpreter
interrogación: interrogation; question; question mark
interrogante: questioning; question mark; unknown quantity
interrogar: to question; to interrogate
interrogativo: interrogative
interrogatorio: questioning; interrogation; cross-examination
interrumpir: to stop; to halt; to interrupt; to obstruct; to hinder; to block, to terminate
interrupción: interruption; termination
interruptor: switch; circuitbreaker; interruptor
intersecarse: to intersect
intersección: intersection; crossroad
interurbano: national; intercity
intervalo: interval; interlude; break; gap
intervención: intervention; contribution; operation; interference; mediation; control
intervenir: to take part; to intervene; to intercede; to plead; to mediate; to audit; to operate; to
tap, to seize; to investigate
interventor: scrutineer; auditor; ticket inspector; supervisor
interviú: interview
intestino: internal; intestine; domestic; civil
intimar: to become closer; to intimate; to order
intimidación: intimidation
intimidad: private life; privacy; intimacy; closeness; inwardness
intimidar: to intimidate; to daunt
íntimo: intimate; private; close; internal; innermost; personal
intolerable: intolerable; unbearable
intolerancia: intolerance
intolerante: intolerant
intoxicación: poisoning; intoxication
intoxicar: to poison
intoxicarse: to be poisoned; to suffer intoxication