jibia: cuttlefish; cuttlebone
jícara: small cup; chocolate cup
jicote: hornet
jicotera: hornets' nest; buzzing of hornets
jiennense: inhabitant of Jaén
jijona: soft nougat
jilguero: goldfinch; linnet
jineta: genet; horsewoman
jinete: rider; jockey
jirafa: giraffe
jirón: shred; rag; strip; tatter; bit; small part; pennant; gyron; hecho jirones: in tatters
jitomate: variety of tomato
jo: drat; heck
jobar: goodness; blimey
jockey: jockey
jocoso: jocular; funny; comic; jocose; humorous
joder: to fuck; to screw; to be a pain in the arse
jofaina: washbasin; washbowl
jogging: jogging
jolgorio: merrymaking; frolic
jolín, jolines: hell; Christ; goodness; gosh; blast; drat
jondo: cante jondo: flamenco singing
jonio: Ionic; Ionian
Jordania: Jordan
jordano: Jordanian
jornada: working day; day's journey; round of matches; programme; jornadas: conference;
jornal: day's wage; daywork; a land measure
jornalero: day labourer; daily-paid worker
joroba: hump; hunch; annoyance; bother
jorobado: hunchbacked; hunchback; humped
jorobar: to annoy; to bother; to break
jorongo: blanket; poncho
jota: Aragonese typical dance; jack; jot; iota; whit; no entender ni jota: not to understand
joto: queer; faggot
joven: young; youth
jovial: jovial; cheerful; pleasant; good-humoured
jovialidad: joviality; cheerfulness; good humour
joya: jewel; gem; piece of jewelry; astragal
joyería: jeweller's; jewellery
joyero: jeweller; jewellery box; casket
juanete: bunion; prominent cheekbone; topgallant yard or sail
jubilación: retirement; pension
jubilado: retired; pensioner; senior citizen; retiree
jubilar: to pension off; to retire
jubilarse: to retire; to get rid of; to discard as useless; to jubilate
jubilarse: to retire; to be pensioned
jubileo: jubilee; indulgence
júbilo: jubilation; joy; delight; rejoicing
jubiloso: jubilant; joyful; rejoicing