jubón: doublet; jerkin
judaísmo: Judaism
judería: Jewish quarter; tax on Jews
judía: bean; kidney bean; string bean; French bean; Jewess
judiada: dirty trick; inhuman action; usurious profit
judicial: judicial; judiciary
judío: Jew; Jewish; Judean; Hebrew; miserly; usurious; stingy
judo: judo
judoka: judoist; judoka
juego: game; play; playing; gambling; set; service; suit; plan; stratagem; hand
juego, juegue: jugar
juerga: rave-up; spree; revelry; carousal; fun-loving
juerguista: reveller; carouser
jueves: Thursday; Jueves Santo: Maundy Thursday
juez: judge; justice; official; juez de línea: linesman
jugada: period of play; rally; move; shot; stroke; throw; dirty trick; ill turn
jugador: player; gambler; gamester
jugar: to play; to gamble; to move; to sport; to frolic; to toy; to dally; to game; to speculate; to
jugarse: to bet; to risk; to stake
jugarreta: dirty trick; mean trick
juglar: minstrel; jongleur
jugo: juice; sap; meat; substance; profit; gravy
jugoso: juicy; succulent
jugué, jugó: jugar
juguete: toy; plaything; short play
juguetear: to play about; to toy; to sport; to folic; to dally
juguetería: toy shop
juguetón: playful; frolicsome; wanton
juicio: judgement; discernment; opinion; reason; discretion; prudence; sense; wisdom; sanity;
saneness; soundness of mind; trial
juicioso: sensible; wise; judicious
julepe: julep; a card game; scolding; reprimand; fright
julio: July; joule
jumbo: jumbo jet
jumento: ass; donkey
jumper: pinafore dress
junco: rush; bulrush; reed; junk; slender walking stick; junco de Indias: rattan
jungla: jungle
junio: June
junior: junior
junípero: juniper
junquillo: jonquil; rattan; beading; reed; bead
junta: committee; board; assembly; meeting; session; sitting; joint; union; junction; seam; pipe
joint; gasket
juntar: to join; to put together; to gather; to assemble; to congregate; to amass; to collect; to lay
up; to store; to join; to unite; to connect
juntarse: to join; to get together; to meet; to assemble; to gather
junto: near; close; united; assembled; together
juntura: joint; juncture; articulation
Júpiter: Jupiter