jura: oath; solemn ceremony of taking an oath allegiance
jurado: jury; juror; panel of judges; sworn
juramento: oath; curse; swearword
jurar: to swear; to curse
jurarse: to swear
jurásico: Jurassic
jurel: saurel; horse mackerel
jurídico: judicial; legal; juridical
jurisdicción: jurisdiction
jurisprudencia: jurisprudence
jurista: jurist
justa: joust; tilt; contest
justicia: justice; judicial power
justiciero: seeking justice; just; fair; righteous
justificación: justification
justificado: justified
justificante: justifying; proof; voucher; receipt
justificar: to justify; to prove; to vouch; to establish; to make excuses for
justificarse: to clear oneself; to excuse oneself
justillo: underwaist; corset cover
justo: just; fair; exact; correct; tight; close
juvenil: juvenile; youthful; young
juventud: youth; youthfulness
juzgado: court; judicature
juzgar: to judge; to try; to consider