English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1


la: la; the; her
laberinto: labyrinth; maze
labia: smooth talk; way with words; fluency; tener mucha labia: to have the gift of the gab
labial: labial
labio: lip; edge; labium; labio leporino: harelip
labor: work; task; toil; tillage; ploughing; works; workings; needlework; sewing; knitting;
laborable: working; workable; arable; tillable; día laborable: working day
laboral: labour; working
laborar: to work
laboratorio: laboratory
laborioso: laborious; industrious; arduous; painful
laborismo: Labour Movement; British labour party
laborista: Labour; Labour Party supporter
labrador: ploughman; farmer; farmer tiller; peasant; worker
labrantío: arable; tillable; arable land
labranza: farming; cultivation; farm; farm land
labrar: to cultivate; to plough; to till; to cultivate; to work; to bring about; to cause; to carve out;
to build; to erect
labrarse: to carve out for oneself
labriego: farmworker; rustic; peasant
laca: lacquer; lake; shellac; hairspray; laca de uñas: nail polish
lacar: to lacquer
lacayo: footman; lackey; lacquey; groom
lacerar: to lacerate; to wound; to hurt; to damage
lacio: straight; lank; wilted; limp; weak; withered; flaccid; flabby; languid
lacón: shoulder of pork
lacónico: laconic
lacra: scourge; curse; fault; defect; scab
lacrar: to seal with wax; to infect with a disease
lacre: sealing wax
lacrimal: lachrymal
lacrimógeno: weepy; tear-jerking; lachrymogenic
lacrimoso: tearful; weepy; tear-jerking; lachrymose
lactancia: lactation; sucking
lactante: breast-fed baby; sucking child; unweaned
lácteo: milk; dairy; milky; lacteous; lacteal
láctico: lactic
lactosa: lactose
ladeado: tilted; lopsided; askew
ladear: to tilt; to tip; to lean; to incline; to turn sideways; to go round the hillside
ladearse: to incline
ladera: slope; mountainside; hillside
ladilla: crab louse
ladino: crafty; cunning; sly; sagacious; speaking foreign languages
lado: side; place; hand; way; room; space; favour; al lado de: beside
ladrar: to bark
ladrido: bark; barking; back-bitting; slander
ladrillo: brick; tile

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