lencería: linen; lingerie
lengua: tongue; language; clapper; index
lenguado: sole
lenguaje: language; tongue; parlance; speech; style
lengüeta: reed; tab; tongue; epiglottis; barb
lengüetada, lengüetazo: licking; lapping
lente: lens; glass; lentes: glasses
lenteja: lentil; disk of a pendulum
lentejuela: sequin; spangle
lentilla: contact lens
lentitud: slowness; sluggishness
lento: slow; sluggish; tardy; heavy; lento; slowly
leña: firewood; kindling wood; beating; drubbing
leñador: woodcutter; lumberjack; woodman; firewood dealer
leñazo: knock; bump
leño: log; wood; a medieval vessel; boat; ship; blockhead; dullard
leñoso: ligneous; woody
Leo: Leo
león: lion; puma
leona: lioness
leonado: tawny; lion-coloured; fulvous
leonera: lion's cage; lion's den; mess; pigsty; junk room
leonés: inhabitant of León
leopardo: leopard
leotardos: thick tights; pantyhose
leporine: leporine; harelike
lepra: leprosy
leproso: leper
leproso: leper; leprous
lerdo: slow-witted; dim; dull; heavy
leridano: inhabitant of Lleida
les: them; to them; you; to you
lesbiana: lesbian
lesión: injury; hurt; wound; harm; damage; lesion
lesionado: injured; hurt
lesionar: to hurt; to wound; to injure; to damage; to harm
lesionarse: to injure oneself
lesivo: prejudicial; injurious
letal: lethal
letanía: litany
letárgico: lethargic
letargo: lethargy; drowsiness; hibernation; stagnation; inactivity
letón: Latvian; Lett; Lettish
Letonia: Latvia
letra: letter; line; inscription; words; lyrics; handwriting; bill of exchange
letrado: lawyer; learned; educated
letrero: sign; notice; placard; label
letrina: latrine; privy; filthy place
letrista: lyricist
leucemia: leukemia; leukaemia
leucocito: leucocyte