leucoma: leucoma
leva: weighing anchor; levy; press; lever; cam; vane of a water wheel
levadizo: puente levadizo: drawbridge
levadura: leaven; yeast; baking powder
levantamiento: uprising; insurrection; elevation; rising; erection; sublimity
levantar: to raise; to lift; to heave; to hoist; to set up; to build; to erect; to gather; to strike; to
rouse; to start; to stir; to impute falsely
levantarse: to get up; to stand; to brew; to rise; to rebel; to start
levante: East; Orient; east wind; levanter
levantino: Levantine
levar: to weigh; to set sail; to weigh anchor
leve: thin; delicate, subtle; slight; minor; bearable; trivial; venial
levita: frock coat; Levite
levitar: to levitate
lexema: lexeme
léxico: lexical; vocabulary; dictionary
ley: law; religion; dispensation; loyalty; fine; plata de ley: sterling silver
leyenda: legend; inscription
leyó, leyera: leer
lezna: awl
liana: liana
liar: to roll; to confuse; to complicate; to entangle; to tie; to bind; to wrap up
liarse: to get confused; to embroil oneself; to have an affair
libanés: Lebanese
Líbano: Lebanon
libar: to suck the juice; to taste; to drink; to make a libation
libelo: defamatory text; libel
libélula: dragonfly; libellula
liberación: liberation; release; deliverance
liberado: liberated
liberal: liberal; generous
liberalismo: liberalism; liberal party
liberalizar: to deregulate; to liberalize
liberar: to liberate; to free; to release
liberarse: to become free
líbero: sweeper
libérrimo: very free; most free
libertad: freedom; liberty; libertad bajo fianza: release on bail
libertador: liberator; deliverer; liberating; delivering
libertinaje: inmoral behaviour; libertinism; profligacy
libertino: libertine; profligate
Libia: Libya
libidinoso: lustful; libidinous; lewd
líbido: libido
libio: Libyan
libra: pound; Libra
librado: salir bien librado: to come off well
librar: to save; to fight; to be free; to be off; to deliver; to save; to preserve; to place one's hopes;
to pass sentence; to issue
librarse: to get rid of; to escape
libre: free; vacant; disengaged; single; unmarried