English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

lila: lilac; silly; half-witted; fool; simpleton
liliputiense: Lilliputian
Lima: Lima
lima: file; finishing; polishing; sweet lime
limar: to file; to polish up; to iron out; to smooth out; to weaken; to destroy
limbo: limbo; edge; border; limb
limeño: inhabitant of Lima
limero: sweet lime tree
limitación: limitation; boundary; district
limitado: limited; short; scanty; dull-witted
limitar: to limit; to mark the boundaries of; to cut down; to reduce; limitar con: to border on
limitarse: limitarse a: to confine oneself to
límite: limit; boundary; border; bound
limítrofe: bordering; conterminous
limo: mud; slime; silt
limón: lemon; lemon tree
limonada: lemonade
limonero: lemon tree
limosna: alms
limosnero: almsgiving; charitable; almoner
limpiabotas: shoeshine; bootblack
limpiacristales: window cleaner
limpiador: cleaner; cleanser; cleaning; cleansing
limpiametales: metal polish
limpiaparabrisas: windscreen wiper; windshield wiper
limpiar: to clean; to cleanse; to wipe; to shine; to furbish; to prune; to purify; to steal; to pick; to
rid; to clear
limpiarse: to clean oneself
límpido: limpid; clear; pure
limpieza: cleanliness; neatness; purity; chastity; cleaning; skill; integrity; honesty; fairness
limpio: clean; neat; tidy; clear; pure; chaste; honest; fair; broke
limusina: limousine
linaje: lineage; family; race; class; kind; description
linaza: flaxseed; linseed
lince: lynx; keen or shrewd person
linchar: to lynch
lindar: to be adjacent; to border
linde: boundary; limit
lindero: boundary; limit; bordering
lindeza: prettiness; neatness; beauty; elegance; lindezas: compliments; pretty things; insults
lindo: lovely; pretty; nice; beautiful; fine; well
línea: line; course; route; row; figure; limit; boundary
lineal: linear; lineal
linfa: lymph; water
linfático: lymphatic
linfocito: lymphocyte
lingote: ingot; pig; bloom
lingüística: linguistics
lingüístico: linguistic
linier: linesman
linimento: liniment

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