librea: livery
librecambio: free trade
librepensador: freethinking; freethinker
librería: bookshop; bookstore; bookcase
librero: bookseller
libreta: notebook; libreta de ahorros: bankbook
libreto: libretto
libro: book; libretto; third stomach; abomasum; libros: accounts
licántropo: lycanthrope
licencia: license; licence; permit; permission; leave; holiday; vacation
licenciado: licentiate; graduate; discharged soldier; lawyer
licenciar: to give leave or permission; to confer the degree of master or bachelor; to discharge
licenciarse: to graduate; to be discharged
licenciatura: degree; degree course; graduation
licencioso: licentious; dissolute
liceo: cultural organization; lyceum; secondary school; high school
lichi: lychee
licitación: tender; bidding
lícito: legal, legitimate; right; morally acceptable; permitted; lawful
licor: liqueur; liquor
licorera: decanter; cellaret
licuadora: liquidizer
licuar: to liquidize; to liquefy
licuarse: to liquefy
lid: fight; contest; dispute; argument
líder: leader; leading
liderato: leadership; lead; leading; position
liderazgo: liderato
lidia: bullfight; fight; struggle
lidiar: to fight; to contend; to struggle; to wrestle
liebre: hare; coward
liendre: nit
lienzo: piece of material; canvas
lifting: face-lift
liga: garter; elastic band; league; alliance; union; mixture; alloy; mistletoe; birdlime
ligadura: bond; tie; ligature; subjection
ligamento: ligament; tying; binding
ligar: to tie; to bind; to alloy; yo join; to unite; to bind; to obligate; to ligate; to pick somebody
ligarse: to get off with; to bind oneself
ligazón: connection; link; union
ligereza: nimbleness; lightness; swiftness; agility; levity; frivolity; indiscretion; thoughtlessness
ligero: light; slight; ; swift; agile; nimble; thin; flippant; jesting; giddy; fickle; wanton; fast;
light: diet; low-calorie; low tar
ligue: boyfriend; girlfriend
liguero: suspender belt; garter belt
lija: sandpaper; shagreen; dogfish
lijadora: sander
lijar: to sandpaper