magnetoscopio: video recorder
magnicidio: assassination
magnificar: to exaggerate; to extoll; to exalt
magnificencia: magnificence; splendour
magnífico: wonderful; magnificent; splendid; fine; excellent
magnitud: magnitude
magno: great
magnolia: magnolia
magnolio: magnolia
mago: magician; wizard; enchantress; los Reyes Magos: the Magi; the Wise Men
magrebí: inhabitant of the Magreb
magro: lean; poor; meagre; meager; loin of pork
maguey: maguey
magulladura: bruise; contusion; bruising
magullar: to bruise; to mangle
magullarse: to be bruised
maharajá: maharaja
mahometano: Muslim
mahonesa: mayonnaise
maicena: cornflour; cornstarch
maillot: leotard; swimsuit; jersey
maitines: matins
maitre: head waiter; maître d'hôtel
maíz: maize; corn; maíz dulce: sweetcorn
maizal: field of maize; field of corn
majada: fold; flock of sheep; dung; manure
majadería: nonsense; foolish remark or act
majadero: idiot; silly; stupid; fool; dolt; bore; pestle; pounder
majar: to crush; to pound; to pestle; to mash; to pester; to annoy
majara: nuts; crazy; loony; nutter
majareta: nutty; nutcase; crazy
majestad: majesty
majestuoso: majestic; grand; stately
majo: nice; pretty; fine; boastful; dressed up
majorette: majorette
majuelo: white hawthorn; vineyard
mal: evil; wrong; harm; damage; illness; disease; injury; misfortune; badly; wrongly; hardly;
scarcely; mal que: although; ever though; mal que bien: somehow or other
malabarismo: juggling
malabarista: juggler
malacostumbrado: spoiled; spoilt
malacostumbrar: to spoil
malagana: faintness; swoon
malagueño: inhabitant of Málaga
malaje: mean; nasty; swine; rotter
maladanza: misfortune; misery
malandrín: wicked; rascally; rascal, scoundrel
malaquita: malachite
malaria: malaria
malas: estar de malas: to be in a bad mood
Malasia: Malaysia