malasio: Malaysian
malcriado: spoiled
malasombra: nasty piece of work
malaventurado: unfortunate; unhappy
malayo: Malayan; Malay
malbaratar: to sell cheap; to undersell; to squander
malcarado: suspicious; grim-faced; annoyed
malcomer: to eat badly or poorly
malcriado: spoiled; spoilt; ill-bred; uncivil; spoiled person
maldad: evil; evil thing; wickedness; badness
maldecir: to curse; to accurse; to speak ill
maldición: curse; malediction; damn it; blast
maldiga, maldije: maldecir
maldito: cursed; accursed; damned; blasted; evil person; nothing; no; maldita sea: damn it!
maleable: malleable; docile; pliable; easy to work with
maleante: crook; criminal, villain; evildoer; rogue; evildoing
malear: to corrupt; to pervert; to spoil; to ruin; to damage
malearse: to go astray; to become spoiled; to spoil
malecón: jetty; breakwater; dike; levee; mole; embankment; esplanade; seafront
maledicencia: evil talk; slander; backbiting
maleducado: rude; bad-mannered
maleducar: to spoil
maleficio: curse; spell; incantation
maléfico: harmful; maleficent; malefic; sorcerer
malentender: to misunderstand
malentendido: misunderstanding
malestar: upset; discomfort; uneasiness; unrest; malaise
maleta: suitcase; case; valise; useless; useless person
maletero: boot; trunk; porter
maletilla: novice bullfighter
maletín: briefcase; bag; small case; grip
malevolencia: malevolence; ill will
malévolo: malevolent; wicked; malignant; evil
maleza: undergrowth; weeds; scrub; brake; thicket
malformación: malformation
malgache: Madagascan
malgastar: to waste; to ruin; to squander; to misspend
malhablado: foul-mouthed
malhadado: ill-fated; ill-starred; unfortunate
malhechor: criminal; evil-doer; malefactor
malherido: badly wounded
malherir: to wound badly
malhumorado: bad-tempered; in a bad mood; peevish
malicia: wickedness; evil; malicious; malice; slyness; cunning; sagacity; suspiciousness;
maliciarse: to suspect; to fear
malicioso: malicious; evil; suspicious
maligno: malignant; malicious; evil; wicked; el maligno: the Devil
malintencionado: malicious; spiteful; evil-disposed
malinterpretar: to misinterpret
malla: mesh; net; swimsuit; mail; mallas: leotard; tights; net; leggings