manager: manager
manantial: spring; source; origin
manar: to flow; to run; to issue forth; to abound; to be rich in
manatí: manatee; sea cow
manazas: clumsy
mancebo: young man; youth; bachelor; pharmacist's assistant
mancha: stain; spot; blot; blemish; macula; speckle
manchar: to stain; to soil; to discolour; to spot; to speckle; to patch; to defile; to blot; to sully
mancharse: to become soiled; to disgrace oneself
manchego: inhabitant of La Mancha; cheese from La Mancha
manchón: large stain; patch; where vegetation is thick
mancilla: blemish; spot
mancillar: to tarnish
manco: handless; one-handed; armless; maimed; faulty; defective; incomplete
mancomunar: to combine; to associate; to join
mancomunarse: to associate; to join forces
mancomunidad: association; union; commonwealth; federation
mancuernas: dumbbells; cuff links
mandado: order; command; errand
mandamás: bossy
mandamiento: commandment; command; order; warrant; writ
mandar: to send; to command; to order; to direct; to decree; to will; to leave; to bequeath; to
control, to govern
mandarín: mandarin
mandarina: tangerine; mandarin
mandatario: leader; mandatary; mandatory
mandato: order; command; mandate; injunction; maundy; termo of office
mandíbula: jaw; mandible
mandil: apron; leather coarse apron
mandioca: cassava; manioc
mando: command; drive; control
mandoble: two-handed blow with a sword; slap
mandolina: mandolin
mandón: bossy; imperious; domineering
mandrágora: mandrake; mandragora
mandril: mandrill; mandrel; mandril; chuck
manduca: grub; nosh
manducar: to eat
manecilla: hand; small hand; book clasp; index; fist; tendril
manejable: easy to use
manejar: to use; to manage; to handle; to wield; to drive; to conduct; to govern
manejarse: to behave; to manage; to get around; to move about
manejo: use; management; scheme; intrigue; handling; wielding
manera: way; manner; mode; fashion; style; means; maneras: manners; behaviour
manga: sleeve; hose; strainer; piping bag; round; beam; air duct; wind sail; waterspout
manganeso: manganese
mangante: pilfering; petty thief; pilferer; scrounger; beggar; loafer; vagabond
mangar: to pinch; to swipe
manglar: mangrove swamp
mangle: mangrove; mangle
mango: handle; haft; helve; mango; peso