mangonear: to boss about; to be bossy; to loiter; to loaf around; to meddle; to be on the make
mangoneo: interference; fiddling; graft; meddling
mangosta: mongoose
mangué: mangar
manguera: hose; watering hose; air duct; wind sail; waterspout
mangui: thief
manguito: muff; sleeve; muff; shaft coupling
maní: peanut
manía: mania; bad habit; obsession; craze; whim; dislike
maníaco: maniac
maniatar: to tie the hands; to handcuff
maniático: fussy; queer; crazy
manicomio: mental hospital; mental institution; insane asylum; madhouse
manicura: manicure
manicuro: manicurist
manido: well-worn; trite; stale; high; gamey
manierismo: Mannerism
manifestación: sign; demonstration; exhibition; display; statement; declaration
manifestante: demonstrator; manifestant; demonstrant
manifestar: to show; to manifest; to reveal; to display; to state; to declare; to expose
manifestarse: to become apparent; to show; to appear; to manifest
manifiesto: obvious; apparent; plain; evident; manifest; manifesto
manija: handle; hobble; hopple; ring; clasp
manila: Manila
manilargo: generous; long-handed; ready-fisted; open-handed; light-fingered
manilla: handle; hand; manacle; handcuff; bracelet
manillar: handle bar of a bicycle; handlebars
maniobra: manoeuvre; maneuver; handling operation; gear; rigging; tackle; ploy
maniobrabilidad: manoeuvrability
maniobrable: manoeuvrable
maniobrar: to manoeuvre; to maneuver; to shift
manipulación: manipulation; handling
manipular: to manipulate; to handle; to manage
maniqueísmo: Manicheism
maniquí: dummy; mannequin; model
manirroto: spendthrift; prodigal
manisero: peanut seller
manitas: good with one's hands; handyman
manito: mate; pal; hand
manivela: handle; crank
manjar: delicacy; food; dish
mano: hand; index; pestle; coat; quire; game; round; first hand; coat; skill; mano de obra: work;
labour; labourers; dar la mano: to shake hands; dar la última mano: to finish; dejar de la
mano de Dios: to leave; to abandon; echar una mano: to help; to aid; con las manos en la
masa: redhanded
manojo: bunch; bundle; handful
manómetro: manometer; pressure gauge
manopla: mitten; gauntlet; postilion's whip
manoseado: grubby; well-worn
manosear; to handle; to feel up; to grope
manotada, manotazo: slap, smack; blow with the hand