English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

mención: mention
mencionar: to mention
menda: yours truly; guy; girl
mendicante: mendicant
mendicidad: begging; mendicity; mendicancy
mendigar: to beg; to beg for; to supplicate for
mendigo: beggar
mendrugo: crumb; crust; piece of stale bread; blockhead
menear: to wag; to waggle; to shake; to stir; to move; to manage; to direct
menearse: to hurry up; to get a move; to wag; to waggle; to move; to bestir oneself; to hustle; to
be loose
meneo: wag; wiggle; shake; stir; stirring; drubbing; beating
menester: need; want; job; occupation; duty; activity
menesteroso: needy; needy person
menestra: vegetable stew; dried vegetables
mengano: so-and-so
mengua: diminution; decrease; waning; deficiency; lack; want; discredit; disgrace
menguante: decreasing; diminishing; waning; decay; decline; low water; ebbtide
menguar: to diminish; to decrease; to dwindle; to decline; to decay; to lessen; to narrow
menhir: menhir
meninge: meninx
meningitis: meningitis
menisco: meniscus; cartilage in the knee
menopausia: menopause
menor: smaller; less; lesser; youngest; junior; minor; al por menor: retail
Menorca: Minorca
menorquín: Minorcan
menos: less; least; fewer; still less; minus; to; but; except; especially
menoscabar: to damage; to harm; to diminish; to reduce; to erode; to impair; to undermine; to
menospreciable: despicable; contemptible
menospreciar: to scorn; to despise; to disdain; to contempt; to slight; to underestimate; to
underrate; to undervalue
menosprecio: scorn; disdain; contempt; underestimation; undervaluation
mensaje: message
mensajero: messenger; courier; carrier
menstruación: menstruation; menses
menstruar: to menstruate; to have a period
mensual: monthly
mensualidad: monthly salary; monthly payment
menta: mint; peppermint
mental: mental
mentalidad: mentality
mentalizar: to put into a frame of mind; to make aware
mentalizarse: to get into a frame of mind; to prepare oneself mentally
mentar: to mention; to name
mente: mind; intellect; intention
mentecato: idiot; silly; fool; dolt; foolish; half-witted
mentir: to lie; to fib; to deceive; to be false; to feign; to fail to keep
mentira: lie; fib; falsehood; error; mistake; lying; mentira piadosa: white lie
mentirijillas: de mentirijillas: as a joke; in fun; pretend; make-believe

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