mejillón: mussel
mejor: better; best; rather; a lo mejor: maybe; perhaps
mejora: improvement; betterment; higher bid
mejorana: sweet marjoram
mejorar: to improve; to get better; to ameliorate; to meliorate; to better; to mend; to surpass
mejorarse: to get better; to mend; to recover; to ameliorate; to improve; to clear up; to reform;
to progress
mejoría: improvement; amelioration
mejunje: concoction; brew; potion
melancolía: melancholy; gloom
melancólico: mournful; sad
melanina: melanin
melaza: molasses; dregs of honey
melé: scrum; melee
melena: long hair; mane; forelock
melenudo: long-haired
melifluo: sickly-sweet; mellifluent
melillense: inhabitant of Melilla
melindre: honey fritter; a small cake; narrow ribbon; finicking; mincing; affecting delicacy
melindroso: fussy; finicky; mincing; affecting delicacy
mella: notch; nick; break; dent; hollow; gap; damage; hurt; impression
mellado: notched; chipped; nicked; jagged; gap-toothed
mellar: to nick; to chip; to break; to dent the edge of; to injure
mellizo: twin
melisa: balm; garden balm; lemon balm
melocotón: peach
melocotonero: peach tree
melodía: melody; tune; melodiousness
melódico: melodic
melodioso: melodious
melodrama: melodrama
melomanía: love of music; melomania
melómano: melomane; melomaniac; music-lover
melón: melon; muskmelon; head; nut; dimwit; dummy; melones: big breasts
melonar: melon field
melopea: drunkenness; monotonous singing
meloso: sugary; honey-like; honeyed; sweet; mealy; mealy-mouthed; gentle; soapy
membrana: membrane
membrete: letterhead; heading; note; memo
membrillo: quince tree; quince; quince jelly
memez: stupid act or remark; silliness; stupidity
memo: silly; dumb; idiot; wit; simpleton
memorable: memorable
memorando, memorandum: memorandum; notebook
memoria: memory; recollection; remembrance; memoir; record; statement; report; essay; paper
memorial: petition; commemoration; memorial; notebook
memoricé: memorizar
memorión: good memory
memorizar: to memorize
mena: ore; picarel
menaje: household goods or furniture; school equipment and supplies