pelotón: pack; peloton; squad; platoon
pelotudo: jerk
peltre: pewter
peluca: wig; wigging; reprimand
peluche: plush
peludo: hairy; furry; shaggy
peluquería: hairdresser's; hairdressing; barber's shop
peluquero: hairdresser; barber; wigmaker
peluquín: toupee; hairpiece; periwig
pelusa: down; fluff; jealousy
pelusilla: down
pelvis: pelvis
pena: grief; pain; affliction; sorrow; pity; shame; hardship; trouble; toil; difficulty; penalty;
punishment; penna; valer la pena: to be worthwhile
penacho: crest; tuft of feathers; plume; panache; arrogance; airs
penado: painful; arduous; full of sorrows; convict; prisoner serving a sentence
penal: penal; jail; prison; penalty
penalidad: trouble; hardship; penalty
penalista: criminal lawyer; penologist
penalización: penalization; penalty; punishment
penalizar: to penalize
penalti, penalty: penalty; casarse de penalty: to have a shotgun wedding
penar: to punish; to penalize; to suffer; to grieve; to sorrow; to be tormented
penca: pulpy leaf; pulpy part; cowhide
penco: hack; nag; jade
pendejo: jerk
pendencia: argument; fight; dispute; quarrel
pendenciero: quarrelsome
pender: to hang; to be suspended; to dangle; to depend; to rest; to be pendent
pendiente: pending; outstanding; pending; hanging; dangling; depending; sloping; earring;
pendant; pitch; slope; declivity; grade; gradient; dip
pendón: banner; standard; pennon; ensign; tall; ungainly; despicable man or woman; tart; whore
péndulo: pendulum; pendulous; pendent; hanging
pene: penis
penetración: penetration; insight
penetrante: penetrant; penetrating; piercing; biting; pervasive; incisive; deep; keen; acute; shrill
penetrar: to penetrate; to be acute or piercing; to pierce; to decipher
penicilina: penicillin
península: peninsula
peninsular: peninsular; inhabitant of a peninsula
penique: penny
penitencia: penance; penitence; repentance
penitenciaría: prison; penitentiary
penitenciario: prison; penitentiary; Cardinal chief of the penitentiary
penitente: penitent; repentant; confessant
penoso: difficult; distressing; dreadful; painful; laborious; arduous; fatiguing; embarrassing;
pensador: thinker; thinking
pensamiento: thought; mind; thinking; suspicion; pansy; heartsease
pensar: to think about; to think over; to think out; to think; to come up with; to imagine; to