pensarse: to think over
pensativo: pensive; thoughtful
pensión: pension; maintenance; annuity; allowance; board; boarding house; guesthouse
pensionado: pensioner; pensioned; boarding school
pensionista: pensioner; lodger; boarder
pentágono: pentagon
pentagrama: stave; staff
pentathlon: pentathlon
Pentecostés: Pentecost; Whitsun
penúltimo: penultimate; penult
penumbra: half-light; penumbra
penuria: penury; extreme poverty; dearth
peña: rock; boulder; crag; supporter's club; circle; club; gang
peñasco: rock; crag
peñazo: bore; pain; boring
peñón: rock
peón: pawn; unskilled worker; labourer; laborer; farm hand; farm worker; man in draughts;
peonada: day's work; gang of workmen
peonaje: gang of workmen
peonía: peony
peonza: top; whip top; whipping top
peor: worse; worst
pepenar: to scavenge
pepinazo: blast; fierce shot
pepinillo: gherkin; small cucumber
pepino: cucumber; me importa un pepino: I don't care a damn
pepita: pip; seed; nugget
pepito: meat sandwich
pepitoria: giblet or bowl of fricasse with egg sauce; medley; hodgepodge
pepona: large doll
peque: kid; child
pequeñez: smallness; littleness; childhood; pettiness; meanness; trifle; triviality
pequeño: little; small; short; young; petty; low; humble; child
pequinés: inhabitant of Beijing; Pekinese
pera: pear; sinecure; switch placed on a lamp head; goatee; pedir peras al olmo: to ask for
impossible things
peral: pear tree
peraltado: cambered
peralte: camber; superelevation; rise; stilting
perca: perch
percal: percale
percance: mishap; unfortunate accident
percatarse: to realize; to notice; to become aware of; to consider; to heed
percebe: barnacle; goose barnacle; idiot
percepción: perception; percept; collection; receiving
perceptible: perceptible; obvious; perceivable; collectable
perceptivo: perceptive
percha: coat hanger; hook; perch; roost; pole; bar; figure; napping of cloth
perchero: hat stand; coat hooks; hat rack
percibir: to perceive; to understand; to earn; to collect