English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

preocupante: worrying
preocupar: to worry; to concern; to bother; to preoccupy; to prejudice
preocuparse: to be worried; to worry
preparación: preparation; training; preparing
preparado: ready; prepared; ready-cooked; preparation
preparador: trainer; coach; preparator; preparing
preparar: to prepare; to get ready; to set; to lay; to pack; to train
prepararse: to prepare oneself; to get ready
preparativo: preparatory; preliminary; preparativos: preparations
preponderancia: preponderance
preponderante: preponderant; most common
preponderar: to prevail; to preponderate
preposición: preposition
prepotencia: prepotence; prepotency; dominance; power; arrogance
prepotente: domineering; overbearing; powerful; prepotent
prepucio: foreskin; prepuce
prerrogativa: prerogative; privilege
presa: prey; dam; reservoir; weir; channel; ditch; hold; catch; clutch; grip; seizing; capture;
prize; booty; fang; claw; ser presa del pánico: to be panic-stricken
presagiar: to foretell; to foreshadow; to presage; to betoken; to forebode; to warn of
presagio: premonition; omen; sign; token
presbiteriano: Presbyterian
presbiterio: presbytery; chancel
presbítero: priest; presbyter
prescindir de: to do without; to dispense with
prescribir: to prescribe; to decree; to ordain; to expire
prescripción: prescription; order; rule
preselección: preselection
presencia: presence; appearance; ostentation; presencia de ánimo: presence of mind
presencial: presence; testigo presencial: eyewitness
presenciar: to be present at; to attend; to witness; to see
presentable: presentable
presentación: presentation; introduction; lunch; external appearance
presentador: presenter; newsreader; host; hostess
presentar: to present; to tender; to submit; to lodge; to propose; to nominate; to make; to pay; to
introduce; to have; to show; to launch
presentarse: to turn up; to introduce oneself; to run for; to appear; to look; to arise
presente: present; current; gift
presentimiento: feeling; presentiment; foreboding
presentir: to have a feeling; to have a presentiment of; to forebode
preservar: to preserve; to protect; to guard; to keep safe
preservativo: condom; preservative; preserving; preventive
presidencia: presidency; president's office; chair; chairmanship; speakership; presidential term
presidencial: presidential
presidente: president; chairman; speaker
presidiario: convict; prisoner
presidio: penitentiary; prison; hard labour; fortress; citadel; garrison
presidir: to be president of; to preside over; to dominate; to rule
presilla: loop; buttonhole; stitching
presión: pressure; presión arterial: blood pressure
presionar: to press; to urge; to put pressure on

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