Beliefs: action and, 147–159; of best companies,
197–200; of best leaders, 155–158, 197–200,
206; choosing to change, 153–158; intellec-
tual engagement and, 191–192; out-of-date,
55–59, 147–148, 283; self-examination of,
148–150; spiritual engagement and, 192–193;
that hinder knowledge management, 55–59
“Believing is seeing,” 192
Belonging, desire for, 158
Benchmarking: knowledge management and, 235;
organizational learning style of, 73, 76–77; to
stimulate ideas for clients, 225
Bennis, W., 147
Berkana Institute, 63
Best companies, ideas and practices of, 195–206
Best practices sharing: in executive search firm,
297–298; in financial service firms, 317–330;
knowledge management and, 235; knowledge
management versus,40, 44–45; in online
leadership guidance system, 131; people and,
6; social relationships and, 258; strategies for,
73–76, 77; timing of, in large multinationals,
- See alsoKnowledge sharing and delivery
Betsy Jacobson and Associates, 218
Bingham, A., 311–312
Biology, knowledge creation in, 58
Bite-sized information pieces, 129–130
Blaming, 258, 261
Blue-sky conversations, 167
Boards of directors, 143; CEO learning with, 164,
165, 167
Boeing 777 airliner, 115
Boeing Leadership Center, 110
Bolt, J. F., 161, 173–174
Bootleg CD, 233
Booz Allen, 43
Bossidy, L., 44
Boston Consulting Group (BCG), 221–222
Bottom line, leadership’s impact on, 151
Bottom-up knowledge: influencing upper
management with, 19–26, 269–270,
278–279, 282–283; top-down knowledge
versus,13, 16
Boulder moving, 226–227
Boundaries, organizational, 105
Boundaryless organization, 105
Bounties, 310–312
Braggadocio, 122
Brain size, 276
Branson, R., 187
Brassard, C., 161, 174
Breakthrough research, collaborative approaches
to, 309–314
Bricoleurs, 94
British Petroleum (BP), 61
Brown, J. S., 93
BT (British Telecom), 224–225
Burke, W., 19–20, 269, 279–280
Business planning, 170
Business review process, 164
Butler Manufacturing Company, 84
Cadence, 106, 108
Cadence Design Systems, 120
Canner, N., 27, 37
Cannon, 104
Cantlon, L. A., 195, 206
Capturing knowledge, 232–234
Career Systems International, 218
Carlzon, J., 157–158
Carriers, 139, 281, 286–287, 290
Case studies and examples, 3–11, 34, 269–330
Casio, 81
Categories: constant expansion of, in individual
learning, 191–192; for knowledge streams,
116–117; limitations of using, 233, 287;
mapping of, 118; metrics for, 118–119
Celebration of learning, 100
Center for New Futures, 159
Champions, chief executive officers as, 169, 173
Change and trends: ambiguity and, 141–142;
authentic leadership and, 147–159; choosing,
153–158; discomfort with, 141–142; executive
self-improvement and, 140; in ideas about
leadership, 147–148, 151; Information Age
and, 53–54, 135–136; in leadership require-
ments, 135–137; and learning leaders, 185;
rapid pace of, 53–54, 114–115, 135–136;
workplace, 113–115. See alsoBehavioral
change; Organizational change
Change management: checklist, 241, 251,
252–253; factors in, 242–253; ineffective, 195;
knowledge management and, 241–253,
281–283; little ideas for, 195–206. See also
Organizational change
Chaos: executive leadership in times of, 141–142;
knowledge creation in, 62
Charisma, 140, 155, 195
Chat rooms, 77
Cheat sheets, 96
Chess, 273–275
Chief alliance officer (CAO), 86
Chief executive officers (CEOs): coaching for,
165–166; communications of, 201–202; criti-
cal success factors for, 173; knowledge and
attributes of successful, 135–144; as learning
and knowledge leaders, 161–173; learning
attributes of, 162–163; learning methods of,
163–169; learning networks of, 162, 166–168;
learning survey participants, 339–341; men-
tors for, 166; new requirements for, 135–137;
obstacles of, 171–172; peer learning of,
166–167; role modeling methods of, 169–171,
- See alsoLeaders; Upper management
Chief knowledge officer (CKO), 44, 291
Chief learning officer (CLO), 44
Chief Learning Officer Forum, 174
Chief supply officer (CSO), 86
Childhood learning, 185–186, 187, 190, 192
Choice: connecting consequence to, 69; leadership
beliefs and, 151–153, 159; in learning, 68–69
Chrysler, 83
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